Teacher: Jenifer Young
School: Medina High School
email:  youngj@mcsoh.org

LESSON TITLE ___Conozca su teléfono____

LESSON SKILL TARGETED __oral____ (model:  Shrum & Glisan, 2000; pp. 135-137)

CLASS LEVEL ___Spanish III_____

1.1     Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2     Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
2.1     Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.2     Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
4.2     Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
5.1     Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2     Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

        1.1, 1.2            Students describe parts of a cell phone and label other parts from a description given to them and role play a confused cell phone user with a question and a customer service representative with the answer.
        2.1, 3.2, 5.1     Students research and choose a cell phone plan they would use and one they reject and explain their reasons.
        4.2, 5.2            Students compare the price of owning and using a cell phone in the US and Venezuela.

        diagram of a cell phone
        partner practice:  problems in using cell phones and suggested solutions

    A.  Preparation
        1.  Ask students if they, or someone in their family, have their own cell phone.  Why do they have it?  Do those who don't have one want one?  Why/Why not?
        2.  As a class, students list the pros and cons of cell phones and share their answers with the rest of the class.
    B.  Comprehension
        1.  Working with a partner, each student will receive a diagram of a cell phone with half the labels missing and half present.  Based on the description given by one partner in their own words, the other must complete the missing parts of their diagram.  The teacher will circulate around the room during the exercise, helping as needed.
        2.  The partners will then switch roles until the picture is completely labeled for both.
    C.  Interpretation / Application
        1.  The partners will then match problems with their solutions.  One partner receives a list of problems which s/he explains to his/her partner.  The other partner has a list of solutions and must find the appropriate one to fix the problem and state in a complete sentence.  When they have worked through the first list, they will switch roles with a new set of problems/solutions.
        2.  They will then check their answers on the key that the teacher makes available to them.
    E.  Extension
        1.  Each student will log on to the web sites of two cell phone companies in Venezuela (www.telcel.net.ve and www.movilnet.com.ve) and
             choose a plan that they would buy for their cell phone.  They will write a description of their choice and describe a plan they did not choose, citing information from the sites to support their reasons.
        2.  Students then search web sites for cell phones here in the US and compare the price of the phones and their service plans with those in Venezuela.  They discuss their findings in small groups and describe their conclusions with the class.

        the names of the parts of a cell phone in Spanish
        comparison of plans for cell phone use in Venezuela from two companies, Telcel and Movilnet
