Theory Name: ARCS Model of Motivational Design
Authors: Keller, John
Associated Learning Theory
Cognitive Learning Theory
Model Description
The student must value the task and the person must believe that he or
she can achieve the task.
Specification of Theory
(a) Goals and preconditions
The learning process is more important than the actual material learned.
(b) Principles
The model is rooted in a variety of motivational theories and concepts.
Expectancy-value theory.
(c) Condition of learning
The idea is that any student can learn if they are provided with the
right materials that are motivational enough to educe learning.
(d) Required media
(e) Role of facilitator
The facilitator must present information in such a way that it is meaningful
to the student. It needs to be engaging and promotion of successful
achievement of the learning objectives needs to be present.
(f) Instructional strategies
A –attention strategies for arousing and sustaining curiosity and
R –relevance strategies that link to learners’ needs, interests,
and motives
C –confidence strategies that help students develop a positive
expectation for successful achievement
S –satisfaction strategies that provide extrinsic and intrinsic
reinforcement for effort.
(g) Assessment method
The instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) asks students to
rate 36 ARCS related statements in relation to instruction materials
they used in the actual instruction provided by the instructor.
The website motivational analysis checklist (WebMAC) is an instrument
used for designing and assessing the motivational quality of websites.
This is built on Keller’s work.
Formative Research & Application
(a) Tested context: K-12, Business, Higher Ed
(b) Research method: Qualitative
(c) Research description: It has been used to assess websites motivation.
It is for instruction just about anywhere of any type.
(d) Resources