Theory Name: Instructional Transaction Theory
Authors: Merrill, M. David
Associated Learning Theory
Cognitive Learning Theory
Model Description
ITT is synthesis oriented. An instructional transaction is all of the
interactions necessary for a student to acquire a particular kind of
knowledge or skill. p.400
Specification of Theory
(a) Goals and preconditions
ITT is intended to foster almost any kind of learning in the cognitive
domain. p.398
(b) Principles
Knowledge objects- provide a way to represent knowledge and are used
to build a set of transaction shells (instructional algorithms) to
teach it. Identify, execute and interpret transactions.
(c) Condition of learning
Keeps the learning process efficient because of clearly defined learning
objectives/goals. The instructional design process is through automation
and the simulation design is also automated. You want to combine simulations
with tutorial instruction and give students the power of exploration.
(d) Required media
Databases. Computers. Students are presented with a record containing
subject-matter content and the program presents the students with several
options the student must select from. Then it brings you to a new frame
depending on answer.
(e) Role of facilitator
The instructor will scaffold the information. The instructor is the guide
and the student is encouraged to learn on his/her own.
(f) Instructional strategies
1. Present the goal of the instruction
2. Provide an open-ended learning environment
- Simulation
3. Identify transaction: for learning the name, location and function
of parts of a device
o Presentation
o Practice
o Immediate feedback
o Score
o Sampling with replacement
4. Execute transaction
o Hands off demonstration
o Practice
o Feedback
o Guidance
5. Interpret transaction: for learning to explain, predict, troubleshoot
o Presentation
o Practice
o Control panel
o Guidance
o Explanation
(g) Assessment method
The student “practices.” The instructor provides many situations
that the student must problem solve to find a solution to the situation.
Formative Research & Application
(a) Tested context: Business
(b) Research method: Qualitative
(c) Research description: Case Studies.
(d) Resources