Modern Languages Department

FRE 305-001: French Conversation and Composition



3 credit hours                                             Marie Ponterio                                                                  

Spring 2012                                                Telephone: 4914  

MWF: 1:50 - 2:40 PM                               Office: Main 225C

                                                                     Office hrs in Moffett 107: MWF 11:10 - 11:30 AM

   in Main 225C : MWF 9:00 - 10:00 AM

email:                                                               1:30 - 1:50 PM  
                                                                                                                                        & by appt.                                                                                                                                                                      



FRE 305 and the Conceptual Framework:

This course, as is the case of all our offerings in the MODERN LANG. DEPT. Department, is rooted in the ideals of liberal learning.  The underlying ideal of all our classes, whether they be literature, culture, or language-based, is that all three of these elements are interwoven.  The specific knowledge and perspectives that will be acquired in this class reflect SUNY Cortland's commitment to instilling in our students an acumen for themes and issues pertaining to Global Understanding (knowledge of the interconnectedness of the natural and human experience through exposure to the political, social, economic and religious differences of the target language's literature and civilization) and Social Justice (comparison and contrast of issues of social justice, equality, and democracy between our society and those of the target language).


French 305 is a course designed for students who have previously taken French in high school or have earned college credit for FRE 202.  Course goals are: "development of increasing listening, reading, and writing ability in French through conversational activities and role-playing.  Acquisition of survival skills, tools for expressing opinions and emotions, and expanding vocabulary.  Grammar review based on individual needs apparent in student writing".  We will be using the language to communicate with each other.  For example, we will do skits, group activities, simulations, etc. in a warm, friendly atmosphere.  Since in using this approach to learning French we will be speaking about yourselves and the French speaking world, we hope you will find the course challenging, stimulating and fun.

It will be essential that you PREPARE lessons at home before coming to class so that we will be able to spend more class time straightening out any problems and especially doing more interesting activities using what you have learned.

French majors must keep their best paper for their portfolio.





On loan to be returned during final exam: Le Français sans peur, Nusbaum, Holden-Avard & Verdier. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1991.

Du Tac au tac, Bragger & Rice, Thomson & Heinle, 3rd Ed.2005






Tests                                                   30%

Compositions & written work          20%

Daily Participation                            20%

2 oral exams                                       10%

Final Exam                                        20%


A scale of 0-100 will be used as follow:  A+  97 - 100

      A   93 - 96

                                                                  A-  90 - 92

                                                                  B+  87 - 89

                                                                  B   83 - 86 etc...



Taking a French Language course involves "experiencing" a certain amount of discussion and learning in the classroom.  For this reason attendance at class meetings is essential.  Students simply cannot miss a week or so of French classes and then "make it up" on their own.  Therefore, if you have more than 3 unexcused absences by the end of the semester your participation grade will be lowered by 5/100 for each additional absence.  (Only serious illnesses and problems at home, religious holidays and sports competitions are considered excused absences.  A doctor's note will be required.) It is to your advantage to inform me before any class which you must miss.  Contact MODERN LANG. DEPT. or my office.  Work missed whether from an excused or unexcused absence must still be completed, and it is the student's responsibility to see that this is done quickly.




All major tests will be announced.  ABSENCE FROM TESTS WILL BE EXCUSED ONLY IN THE PRESENCE OF WRITTEN PROOF OF A VALID REASON FOR YOUR ABSENCE.  UNEXCUSED ABSENCE CAN RESULT IN FAILURE IN THE COURSE. Notify me ahead of time when you know you must miss a test and make appropriate arrangements.


Homework and Compositions

Due dates for course assignments will be announced in class with the assignment.  You are responsible for EVERYTHING done in class or assigned as homework.  If you miss anything for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to find out what it is and to make it up.  You should expect to do ALL assignments on time in order to profit from your work.  Late homework might not be accepted for grading and failure to complete a major assignment might result in a failure in the course.  Assignments that are late, incomplete or poorly prepared will be graded accordingly. Your grade will be based on your writing (accuracy, complexity of sentences, richness of vocab. & organization) and on the content (complexity of ideas).  Bonus points will be added to grade for the composition rewrites.






Because a very important course goal in French 305 is the development of speaking and listening skills, a large part of your grade will be based on your achievement in these areas.  Oral participation in class will serve as the basis for evaluation of these goals.  You should practice in the laboratory, the classroom and in pairs outside of class.  Take an active role in interviews and other small-group conversational activities.  If you work on these goals regularly, you should find that your listening and speaking proficiency develops fairly rapidly and you will be able to use the French you have learned in "real-world" situations outside the classroom.


If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the

Office of Student Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753 - 2066

for an appointment.  Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential

manner.  Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations

should be made as early as possible.


18 jan.             Introduction

20                    Présentations: Du Tac au tac, ch 1, pp. 3- 4 & Le Français sans peur, ch I, pp. 2-3, 5 – 6, 9, 14 – 15, 17, 20 – 21 & CD: à l'écoute pp. 62 – 63



23                    Invitations: Le Français sans peur, ch II, pp. 30-33, 34 - 36 + 40


25                    Au téléphone: Le Français sans peur, ch II, p. 46 + extrait de film en classe: les Compères & FIA (French in Action) L 22 en classe


27                    Du Tac au tac, ch 1, pp. 12 - 14



30                    Descriptions: Le Français sans peur, ch III, pp. 61- 65 + en classe FIA L 6 & CD: à l'écoute pp. 7– 10


1er fév.            Descriptions: (suite) Le Français sans peur, ch III, pp. 67 - 72 & FIA L 7 en classe

                        & CD: à l'écoute pp. 69 - 71 (W-X) + p. 71 -72 (Y)


3                      Demander un service: Du Tac au tac, ch 2, pp. 31 + 33 + 35  & comp.I: Vous écrivez un message sur Facebook ou Twitter à votre correspondant(e).  Parlez de vos goûts, vos activités, posez-lui des questions sur lui/elle, sa ville, son école/travail etc... Attention, ne vous faites pas de compliments! (one page & use a word processor since you’ll have to rewrite it)



6                      Rendre service: Du Tac au tac, ch 2, pp. 39 – 40 + 46 + Le Français sans peur pp. 93 + 94 & CD: à l'écoute pp. 28-31

8                      Le Français sans peur, ch V, pp.87 + 88, 120- 123, 126 – 127, 130 - 131 & CD: à

                        l'écoute pp. 44- 45


10                    En ville: dans la rue et dans le métro: Le Français sans peur, ch V, part II, pp. 130 + 131, 136 -137 & FIA L 23 + L 27 en classe



13                    En ville: dans la rue et dans le métro: suite & HW: faire toutes les activités sur la page de mon site sur le Web: les transports + mentionnez trois faits que vous avez trouvés intéressants.



15                    A l'hôtel: Le Français sans peur, ch IV, part II, pp.97 - 102


17                    Sketchs: des touristes en France & vidéo en classe: à la gare + comp. II: script ( 2

                        pages tapées)



20                    Examen I & Donnez une page sur deux sites sur le Web (sur les thèmes étudiés) que vous avez trouvés intéressants. N’oubliez pas d’indiquer l’adresse. (exemples de sites : Orange, SNCF, RATP )


22                    Désirs et préférences: Le Français sans peur, ch VI, pp. 162 + 167 - 169 & vidéo en classe: au marché + dans les magasins & CD: à l'écoute p. 72 (Z)


24                    suite & HW: mon site sur le Web: la cuisine - faire toutes les activités +  vidéo en classe: scènes familiales




27                    suite & FIA L 24 en classe


29                    Le Français sans peur, comment accueillir: ch III, pp. 74 - 76


2 mars              en classe: vidéo: au restaurant. Recettes & cartes de spécialités & FIA L 26           


5 - 9                 Bonnes vacances!


12                   Au magasin de vêtements: Le Français sans peur, ch VI, pp. 172 - 173 + 175 - 177 HW sur le Web: regardez le site de Carrefour et de La Redoute et imaginez que vous commandez 3 articles dans chaque magasin.  Faites une description de ce que vous achetez et dites le prix et la taille si appropriée. & FIA  L 43, 44, 45 en classe & CD: à l'écoute pp. 77 – 79



14                    Comment raconter: Du Tac au tac, ch 6, pp. 138 – 139 &  Le Français sans peur

                        ch VII, pp. 194 – 199, 203


16                    Comment raconter (suite) Du Tac au tac, ch 6, pp. 145 - 148 + 135  & CD: à   

                        l'écoute pp. 132 -134 & FIA L 49 en classe


19                    Discussion du film: Les Visiteurs (au lab, à voir avant la classe) & comp. III: inventez une histoire fantastique (1 1/2 pages & use a word processor since you’ll have to rewrite it + review imp vs. pc. and rules of agreement with pc.).

21                    Examen II  & Donnez une page sur deux sites sur le Web (sur les thèmes étudiés, un hôtel, un restaurant et/ou un magasin en France) que vous avez trouvés intéressants. N’oubliez pas d’indiquer l’adresse.


23                    Sentiments: Du Tac au tac, ch 5, pp. 108 – 109



26                    Les émotions: Le Français sans peur, ch VIII, pp. 227 - 233 + 235 - 236 & à lire: xerox: scène de Harpagon de L'Avare de Molière et vidéo en classe: scène du film Argent de poche

28                    Les émotions plus fortes:  Le Français sans peur, ch VIII, pp. 241 - 244 & CD: à l'écoute pp. 104-107


30                    les émotions plus fortes (suite)           



2 avril             Donner des conseils: Du Tac au tac, ch 3, pp. 54 - 58 + 65 & comp. IV: racontez l'histoire du film Les Visiteurs en mentionnant les sentiments des 4 personnages importants.  Puis avant d'écrire la conclusion, écrivez un paragraphe sur vos sentiments sur le film en donnant des exemples de scènes que vous avez trouvées amusantes / stupides / ennuyeuses etc.  Attention n'utilisez pas "je" ex: J'ai aimé le film = le film était intéressant parce que  l'histoire/ les acteurs ..... etc.  (2 pages & use a word processor since you’ll have to rewrite it + review imp vs. pc. and rules of agreement with pc. Do not forget to mention the names of the movie director and main actors in you introduction which should include a quick summary of your paper reflecting both its content and its organization.  ).


4                      Sketchs: scène dans un bar entre deux jeunes/ scène de jalousie entre deux amis/ un de vos amis vous donne des conseils etc. Exprimez des sentiments et donnez des conseils dans chaque situation + comp. V: script (2 pages) & CD: à l'écoute pp. 51  - 54


6                      Xerox: vacances en famille & Le Français sans peur p.17 & mon site sur le Web: lire les vacances (la page des réponses): HW: mentionnez trois faits que vous avez trouvés intéressants & FIA en classe & en classe: Le coureur + dessins humoristiques



9                      Les opinions: Le Français sans peur, ch IX, p. 268 – 271 + 274 - 275 & Du Tac au tac, ch 5, pp. 118 - 119 + 120 & FIA L 39, 40, 44 en classe


11                    Les opinions: (suite) Du Tac au tac, ch 8, pp. 187 + 190-191 & Le Français sans peur, ch IX part II, pp. 279 – 281


13                    Les opinions: (suite)


16                    mon site sur le Web: lire la vie familiale (la page des réponses) & HW: mentionnez trois faits que vous avez trouvés intéressants. 

18                    Bandes dessinées de Claire Bretécher : Divorce & chansons : “Elle a fait un bébé toute seule” +  “Reprendre c’est voler” de Jean-Jacques Goldman


20                    Sketchs: dispute entre mari et femme ou parents et enfants + comp. VI: script (2 pages) & débat: le mariage ou l'union libre


23                    Examen III & Donnez une page sur deux sites sur le Web (sur les thèmes étudiés) que vous avez trouvés intéressants. N’oubliez pas d’indiquer l’adresse.


25                    Du Tac au tac, ch 8, pp.198 + Le Français sans peur, p. 301 & CD: à l'écoute pp. 194 – 197 & Faites un sondage auprès de vos amis en utilisant par exemple, un de ces thèmes de réflexion: Le mariage ou l'union libre, le droit des homosexuels de se marier/d'adopter des enfants, le droit des fumeurs/ la violence dans la musique et les médias est-elle responsable de la violence dans la société? la légalisation de la marijuana etc.  Ajoutez-en d'autres qui vous intéressent. Présentations de vos résultats & comp. VII: résultats de votre sondage.  Ecrivez aussi un paragraphe sur vos réactions aux résultats obtenus et sur vos opinions sur une des questions qui vous intéresse/ préoccupe particulièrement etc...) N’oubliez pas d’écrire une conclusion.
You can do your presentation in the MDL lab if available, please ask me to reserve it in advance.


27                    Présentations de vos sondages - suite


30                    Présentations de vos sondages - suite & évaluation



                        Examen final: lundi 7 mai de 1 h  à 3 h   dans notre classe.
Bring back textbook on loan.


Please read at home this excerpt from chapter 340 of the College Handbook on the SUNY Cortland website under Student Life

                   340.02 VIOLATION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY

A violation of academic integrity as an instance of academic dishonesty can occur in many ways. At SUNY Cortland, instances of academic dishonesty are:

1. Plagiarism

Students are expected to submit and present work that is their own with proper documentation and acknowledgment when the work of others is consulted and used. Plagiarism can be intentional by deliberately presenting the work of others as one's own, or inadvertent by accidentally omitting or erroneously citing sources. Examples of plagiarism that can occur in research papers, lab reports, written reports, oral presentations as well as other assignments are:

A. Failure to use quotation marks: sources quoted directly must be shown with quotation marks in the body of the project and with the appropriate citation in the references, notes or footnotes

B. Undocumented paraphrasing: sources "put into one's own words" must have the source cited properly in the body of the project and in references, notes or footnotes

C. Creating false documentation: purposefully presenting wrong information in references or citations or manufacturing false information used in references, notes and footnotes

2. Cheating on examinations

A. Looking and/or copying from another student's paper during an examination or in-class assignment

B. Allowing another student to look or copy from one's work during an examination or in-class assignment

C. Possessing crib sheets, answer sheets and other information during an examination or in-class assignment not authorized by the instructor

D. Writing an answer to an in-class examination or assignment and submitting it as written in class

E. Taking an examination for another student

F. Allowing or arranging for a second party to take an examination or other in-class assignment

G. Allowing one's own work to be copied and submitted by another student

H. Altering or falsifying examination or assignment results after they have been evaluated by the instructor and returned

3. Other infractions

A. Possessing papers, assignments, examinations, reports, lab reports or other assignments that have not formally been released by the instructor

B. Purchasing a paper or assignment from an online source, paper mill, another student, or other source and submitting it, wholly or in part, as one's own work

C. Possessing another student's work without permission

D. Writing or creating a research paper, written report, lab report or other work for another student

E. Submitting the same work for two different classes without the approval by both faculty members teaching both classes

F. Falsifying College documents

G. Presenting false documents or forged documents

H. Destroying, vandalizing, altering and/or removing library materials without authorization

I. Falsifying data

J. Altering or falsifying another student's data, laboratory work, research, assignments or written materials