Willkommen bei Cortland Deutsch!

Welcome to German at Cortland.

In these pages you can find out all you want or need to know about what goes on at SUNY Cortland's German classes.

Hier finden Sie alles, was die Deutschklassen bei SUNY Cortland betrifft.

Your German instructor is: Victor Symonette, and to find out more about me, please go to the "About" link.

Wenn Sie mehrüber den Deutschlehrer erfahren möchten, bedienen Sie die ,,About" Taste.

For a look at some of the "Culture Day" topics, go to "Files".  There you'll find pictures of some of the foods we have had in classes, along with ones of some of the people and topics we have dealt with.  And at the end of that file, there are some good fun pictures of "Karneval" in Germany.  Information about how to reach me, go to "Contact".  For all kinds of questions and their answers, go to the FAQ link.  

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