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This tutorial contains information about Lawrence Kohlberg'sideas of moral reasoning, including itsroots in Piaget's ideas of moral realismand morality of cooperation.
Lawrence Kohlberg's ideas of moral development are based on the premise that atbirth, all humans are void of morals, ethics, and honesty. He identified thefamily as the first source of values and moral development for an individual. He believed that as one's intelligence and ability to interact with othersmatures, so does one's patterns of moral behavior(Woolfolk, 1993).
Kohlberg based his ideas of moral reasoning on Piaget's moral reasoning andmorality of cooperation. He described three mainlevels of moral development with twostages in each level.
Many people disagree with Kohlberg for various reasons. We will touch onsome of the criticisms of Kohlberg's theory,including whether moral development occurs in discreet stages, whether moralreasoning matches moral behavior, his bias against women, and the reliabilityand validity of his testing methods. The work ofCarol Gilligan will be outlined in thispart of the tutorial.
We will profile real life examples of applicationsof his theories in the classroom environment. BuddChurchward, author of The Honor Level System: Discipline by Design,has developed a discipline program taking into account Kohlberg's ideas.