Reviewes from Colleagues who observed my teaching (Observation 1 and Observation 2) WelcomeDear Esteemed Reviewers, Colleagues, and Members of Faculty Development Center: I am honored to have the opportunity to share this electronic portfolio with you as you review my teaching performance and make your most informed decision for the Tenure-Track Excellence in Teaching Award. I have been greatly humbled since I heard that I was nominated for this award. I would like to publicly thank Dr. Susana Davidenko, who I knew nominated me with her bias as my friend and colleague. SUNY Cortland has many exemplary professors and instructors who inspire their students on a daily basis. Dr. Susana Davidenko is one of them herself. Being nominated for this award spurred me on to reflect upon my teaching in a more comprehensive way. In fall, 2009, I have been reviewed (and am still being reviewed) for tenure and promotion to associate professor. As I am writing to you, I can share with you that both tenure and promotion reviews came through positively, but my tenure will not become effective until fall, 2011. I am pleased that the date will make me still eligible for this award. If you are interested, you can view all the feedback from all levels of reviewers about both tenure and promotion processes. Please note that most of the blue-colored words and phrases are active links. Please remember to hit "the back arrow" when you want to return to the previous page. If you close the page by accidently hitting "the cross X" sign, you will have to log on again. This online porfolio was originally designed for tenure and promotion reviews. That is why you will see different components of this portfolio apart from teaching. I am very grateful that Laura Gathagan, director of Faculty Development Center, thoughtfuly agreed that I can use this webfolio to share with you the documentation required of all candidates for this award. Please click here for the TEACHING page. You may also click on Teaching in the left-hand column. Either click will lead you to a reflective essay about my teaching, my syllabi for all courses, bibliolgraphies for all courses, statement of teaching philosophy, supporting evidence that documents the effectiveness of my teaching technique, and all my CTEs with students' comments. Since advisement is part of my responsibilities as a teacher on campus, please click here for ADVISEMENT page. You can also click on Advisement in the left-hand column. Here, you can view my spring teaching schedule. I would like to thank Dr. Michelle Gonzalez for taking her time to observe me in fall 2009. Dr. Andrea Lachance, chair of my department, has written me a letter of support for this award. I would like to thank Dr. Andrea Lachance for her continuing support and many other colleagues who always come my way when I seek their suggestions and guidance. You will see more mentors in Acknowledgement. I really appreciate your time to review this webfolio. Sincerely, 林 琳Lin Lin