Lin Lin - Assistant Professor



Volunteer at Harvest Festival, Barry School, fall 2013

Volunteer at Barry School's Book Fair, fall 2013

Attend "Call in Telephone Conference" - SUNY Office of Global Affairs regarding potential international exchange with Beijing High School # 80, 3 - 4pm, September 25, 2013

Marshall at Commencement (Undergraduate Morning and Afternoon)

April 26, 2013 Volunteer at Barry School's Spring Carnival from 6:30 to 8:30pm

April 21, 2013, Volunteer and Provide Origami Art Table with Cortland Bloom Artists Community - EARTH Day Event at the County Office Building in Cortland.

Write to Senator Chuck Schumer about Immigration Reforms

Member at Large at International Assembly, National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), 2011-2013 (since 2009).

Children's Museum on Feb. 9, 2013 Celebration of Chinese New Year

AAU Basketball Tournaments Concession Stand Volunteer (2 hours on March 16 and 2 hours on March 17)


Service Book Drives for Students and Families at Parker Elementary School and Randall Elementary School in fall 2012

Supporting the Restoration and Maintainance of the 1890 House (Membership Card)

Service at the National level:

Donation made to FASSE 2012

Member-at-large for the International Assembly (2011-2013)

Coordinator for Adopt a School Project for Internatinal Assembly, National Council for the Social Studies (2008-2011)

Member of Travel Grant Committee (under the International Assembly, National Council for the Social Studies, responsbile for designing the criteria for application, review applications, and award the grant to qualifying members.) (since 2011 to now) Please click on the letter written by Dr. Yali Zhao, IA President.

  • Service at the Campus Level:
  • Open House spring 2012, Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Corey Gymnasium, Park Center.

    - Department representaive for UUP since 2008)

    - Teaching Effective Commitee reviewing nominations for the Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence and nominations for the Chancellor's Distinguished Professor Award, observing candidates, and finalize awardees. (replacing a member who is on sabbatical)

    - Board member of the Center for Peace, Ethics and Social Justice Advisory Council

- Interim Coordinator for International Women Group on campus. (Hosting one meeting in my house on March 29, 2012)

Observing colleagues teach and writing letters to support their reappointment applications

- Speak at the invited panel discussion in Prof. John Suarez's Cross-Cultural (Mis)Communication Class in Old Main G24 on March 12, 2012. Presentation document attached here.


Attending Undergraduate Commencement (Morning and Afternoon) as Faculty Marshalls, May, 2012.

  • Service at the School of Education level:

    School Curriculum Committee member (Elected since 2010, chair from 2010- 2011)

Attending Open Forum for the candidate applying for the Dean of SOE position March 28, 2012.





Coordinator of International Women Caucus on campus in spring 2011
Attending the IWC's Fall Semester Reception, fall 2011

Volunteering at Barry Elementary School's Harvest Festival, October 31, 2011

Supporting the 1890 House by becoming a member and taking students for field trips

Reviewer of Social Studies Research and Practice Journal, spring 2011

Supporting Faculty (the letter I wrote to support one faculty)

Supporting community member (the letter I wrote to ICE: Immigration Control Enforcement)

Supporting community member (the letter I wrote to Mayor of Cortland)

Continue to serve on the Department's Disposition Committee

Serving as consultants at Open House with Susana and Valerie.

Going to Literacy Department's Lecturer Positions' Open Research Presentations

Volunteer to come to teach at Parker School Tom Vakkas' classroom with the invitation of Dr. Susana Davidenko.

Continue to serve on Search Committee for the early childhood position.

UUP Department Representative (click here please to view the Certificate UUP Cortland Chapter awarded to me on April 26, 2011.

Leadership in Civic Engagement Award, recognized and honored on April 21, 2011. Please click here to see the Award Certificate.

Writing about budget cuts and received a response from online response system.

Writing letters, petitions, to support the release of incarcerated immigrants without proper documentations, April 10, 2011

With UUP Cortland Chapter colleagues, I joined the rally in Albany to petition for no further education cuts on March 15, 2011.

Writing letters for Students to support their application for graduate school or teaching positions. Click here for a sample as evidence.

Donating and Dancing with the Africana Dance Ensemble at Wellness and Women Event in Corey Union Function Room, Feb. 21, 2011 7pm

Participating at UUP Union Matters Meetings, spring 2011

Volunteer at Barry Elementary School's Mrs Ryan's 1st Grade Class celebrating 100 days at School

Volunteer at Children's Museum for the Chinese New Year events
(Pictures1 and Picture 2) and Dragon Puppet Template

Volunteer at Barry Elementary School for the Chinese New Year's Events

Volunteer at Barry Elementary School for the Valentine's Day Events

Nominating three students for Senior Award for Academic Excellence


Dancing with SUNY Cortland's Africana Dance Troupe at BOCES

Serving on Search Committee for two positions in early childhood education

helping Chinese visiting scholar fall 2010 to spring 2011

Serving on TITLE II ELL Committee 2010

Taking Actions after watching GASLAND

Serving on Clark Center Internationalization of Curriculum Committee 2010 onward

Honor's Convocation April 17, 2010

Teaching about Chinese New Year at Barry Elementary School

Teaching in Daniel's Class

Serve as Quality Circle Reviewer for NCATE_SPA reports

Service is one of the most important areas of my academic and professional growth. I have met and exceeded the requirements in this category for continuing appointment (tenure) and promotion to associate professorship. In this section, you will read a narrative highlighting the major things I have done in terms of service at different levels. At the end of the page, you will review a list of activities I have been participating in.

First, I participated actively in the International Assembly (IA) of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). I have been a member of NCSS since 2000 and a member of International Assembly, an affiliated organization within NCSS, since 2003. In 2007, I was elected as Member-at-Large of International Assembly at the annual conference of NCSS to serve until 2009. In 2008, I was appointed Coordinator of the Adopt-A-School Project for the IA of NCSS. I was responsible to coordinate activities including advertising for the project at annual conferences to reach out to the IA members, assisting in collecting donations, making sure donations are deposited in the IA project account with NCSS, keeping records of annual orders of backpacks and IA tags to be sent to Mwanje School in Malawi, Africa. In this Malawi community, children do not have resources for education. The International Assembly identified this school to establish a long-term relationship by providing school backpacks for all the children from kindergarten to eighth grade in that school. Last year, all members of IA were inspired and deeply moved at our annual conference when we were shown the pictures of the Malawi jubilant children jumping up and down in their school yard after they got the backpacks from the United States. This has been one of the most uplifting events in my life. When Dr. Josiah Tlou wrote me recently, I knew this project is also the most rewarding experience in my life.

In May 2009, I got in touch with the supplier of such school supplies in Illinois and made the order of 105 backpacks, asked the NCSS's finance director to write a check for this order, and make sure backpacks were properly packaged, shipped to a professor and her students in Virginia Tech, Virginia so that they could take the backpacks to the Mwanje school children during their summer program in Malawi. I also wrote for the IA's newsletter to update the status of this project. 2009 was the second year of the program and I was very thankful that I could participate in this meaningful project as its coordinator.

For the 2009's International Assembly's roundtable sessions at NCSS in Atlanta, GA, 2009, I reviewed eight proposals, providing review comments, and made decisions for the conference program. I reviewed two manscripts for Social Studies Research and Practice, a peer-reviewed joural in social studies. Here is the Thank-You letter I received from the executive editor of the journal. Please click here for another Thank-You letter I received recently from the editor of the journal after I reviewed another manuscript in August, 2009. Please click here for a Thank you letter I received from the editor of the journal after I reviewed a manuscript in September, 2010.

I participated actively in many activities on campus. Here are the highlights.

In September 2009, I was elected by my department to serve on Curriculum Committee at the School of Education. In October 2009, I was elected chair of the Curriculum Committee at the School of Education and reviewed with my colleagues to approve a new course proposal. My colleagues are very supportive and convinced me that it is an invaluable experience for me to get familiar with the curriculum of the school and campus.

In October, 2009, I was invited to serve as NCATE Quality Circle Reviewer on campus to review two of the more than twenty SPA reports for the approaching NCATE review. I consider this as another invaluable opportunity to work with experienced reviewer and decided to accept the invitation. I look forward to the two sessions scheduled in fall 2009 to review the SPA reports.

I participated actively in the campus initiative of internationalization by presenting with Dr. Shufang Shi on the topic of "Education in China" on November 18, 2009 during the International Education Month: Passport to the World. Here are pictures of our joint exhibition and presentation.

I participated actively in such internationalization initiatives by serving on the campus Leadership Team for the American Council of Education (ACE) Internationalization Laboratory (2007-2009) in response to the former Provost's invitation letter. I also served as a member of the Student International Experiences Committee, which is a sub-committee of the ACE Leadership team. Both committees met biweekly from fall of 2007 to spring 2009. I met with faculty members across the campus to discuss the prospects of internationalization of faculty, students, and curriculum on campus. Please click here for a Certificate of Appreciation that was awarded to me in spring 2009. Please click here for a letter of appreciation from Drs. Marley Barduhn, Sharon Steadman, and Ted Fay, co-chairs of the Leadership Team on campus, on May 28, 2009.

I volunteered countless hours helping Chinese international exchange students and visiting scholars from Capital Normal University while they stayed in Cortland. Ranging from tutoring them with course assignments, editing and writing recommendation letters for further studies, arranging airport pickups and send-offs at 3am, to taking them to Chinese restaurant at traditional holidays, and weekend shopping and sightseeing, I enjoyed getting to know all of them. There is an ethnic and cultural link between these Chinese students and me, and I pay it forward the kindness and invaluable support I have received in my overseas learning experiences at Reed College, Oregon, and the University of Georgia, Georgia. I considered it a rewarding experience to serve this particular population on campus.

During Drescher Leave semester in spring 2009, I was invited to performce at the Taste of the World event sponsored by the Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Committee on campus. My Cortland debut of singing a Chinese song entitled "My Motherland and I" was successful and I was glad that I could make my contributions to enrich the multicultural life on campus.

Second , I integrated teaching with service. Using course assignments to engage students in service learning provided me and my students opportunities to benefit from the connection between course work and educational value through service. A firm believer that democratic citizenship is at the foundation of a community-based learning experience, I continue to invite each of the undergraduate students I'm teaching in EDU 375 - Elementary Social Studies Methods and EDU480 - Social and Academic Curriculum II, to participate in a small-scale civic engagement/service learning project. I practised what I preached in classroom by being an active member of the community. Even though I am not a citizen, I am concerned about the proposed budget cuts in SUNY system during the economic recession. I wrote to Barbara Lifton to share my concerns, and encouraged my colleagues to be active participants.

In fall 2007, spring and fall of 2008, with the help of Lorraine Melita, our librarian, and Dr. Orvil White, we took our WOW - Windows on the World posters to the Children's Museum and the TMC (Teaching Material Center) of the Cortland Memorial Library. We shared students' work with families and children, and the larger campus community as an on-going exhibition during the International Education Week. I plan to do the same in fall 2009.

In one of the units in EDU375, students and I read "Sadaco and the Thousand Cranes" in class using a strategy known as "the messenger and the scribe". When students paired up to read one page of that book and then shared the whole stories, they learned the value of collaboration between "the messenger" and "the scribe." Students reflected on the value of this strategy and expanded on its utilization in other subject matters. I ended this class with teaching them how to make a paper crane -- "Origami". Some of the students volunteered to teach young children at Children's Museum. Students in Early Childhood program in my department came to Children's Museum on the Saturdays. Since I came to SUNY Cortland, I presented at Origami workshop every semester except for my no-pay family leave and the Drescher leave semesters. I also was invited twice to teach "Origami" in Dr. Cynthia Benton's EDU303 course to explore the possibilities of teaching fine arts in elementary classroom. I volunteered at Barry Elementary School's after-school program in spring 2009 to work with children to create Origami shapes and designs.

If I encourage my students to participate in volunteer activities that are important to the community, I certainly see service as a way of both enhancing one's learning and developing a sense of civic pride and values. Service has been an important part of establishing myself as a faculty member at Cortland. I thoroughly enjoy having positive working relationships with my colleagues and thereby being able to collaborate at all levels.

Third, I participated in outreaching activities to a wider community. In spring, 2010, I co-presented on the topic of education in China for KDP International Honor Society of SUNY Cortland. Here is a letter from the faculty adviser. I participated in graduation commencement ceremonies and academic convocations. Here is a letter I received from President Bitterbaum for my participation in acadmic convocation in fall 2008. During my Drescher Leave, I was invited as a guest speaker to six classes of 9th graders in Ithaca Lansing High School about China after they had learned about the country in a unit in a Global Studies course. Please click here for a letter written by the teacher in Ithaca Lansing High school about my visit to her classes. During the spring semester of 2009, I was invited to present at Five College Center for Teaching about East Asia. The Syracuse Teacher Center provided regional school teachers a wonderful opportunity to meet with scholars in the field of Asian Studies at their weekly professionaldevelopment workshops. Using secondary history textbook excerpts from six different countries on the topic of the Korean War, I worked with the seminar participants on using multiple perspectives to promote students' critical thinking and reasoning skills.

While I continue to work as reviewers of presentation proposals and manuscripts for two journals, in spring 2009, I was inivited to review Dr. Virginia Cornue's culture book series entitled "Little Friends Around the World." Here you can click to read a flyer in which she included my comments as a reviewer of volume I of her series.

Following is a listing of service activities I have been participating in at different levels.

Professional Service/National Level

  • Member-at-Large of International Assembly at National Council for the Social Studies (Elected at NCSS-IA Conference in Nov. 30, 2007) (Term: 2008-2010)
  • Appointed Coordinator (2008-2010) for Adopt-A-School Project, sponsored by donations of members in International Assembly and NCSS. As the coordinator, I collaborated with other members of International Assembly of NCSS to use the donated money to place orders and purchase backpacks for students in Mjanwei School in Malawi, Africa.
  • Alternative Member of UUP - United University Professionals - Representing SUNY Cortland, 2007-2009 and attended UUP Delegate Assembly in Buffalo, NY September 28-30, 2007
  • Reviewer for WAGADU Journal since 2007
  • Reviewer for the Social Studies Practice and Research journal since 2007
  • Volunteer and Member of American Educational Research Association; International Education, Presentation Session Chair (Dr. Sheila Cohen was not able to go to the last AERA Conference in April, 2006, so I volunteered to chair the presentations in her session.)
  • Reviewer for AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Conference proposals (Reviewer of Proposal 1, Proposal 2, Proposal 3)
  • Presentation session chair at CIES (Comparative and International Education Society)'s Annual Conference, in Charleston, South Carolina, March 22-26, 2009
  • Member of NCSS and IA and proposal reviewer since 2009

Professional Service/University Level

Professional Service/School of Education Level

Professional Service/Department Level

  • Reviewing master program students' projects as second reader (since 2006)
  • Serving on Intructional Technology Position Search Committee as a Member (2007-2008)
  • Serving on Social Studies Position Search Committee as a Member (fall 2006, early withdrawal from the committee due to no-pay family leave in China.)
  • Serving on Educational Research Position Search Committee as a Member (2006, the search was cancelled due to a small number of applicants.)
  • Volunteering at Math Day with Prof. Ellen Newman and our Block I students at Parker Elementary School in fall 2007
  • Volunteering to participate in Dr. Karen Stearn's Class on the topic of American Born Chinese using Graphic Novel) in spring 2007
  • Working with Dr. Kim Rombach and Prof. Karen Hempson on a syllabus proposal of a new course EDU480
  • Collaborating with other faculty members (letter from Prof. Ellen Newman and letter from Dr.Shufang Shi)
  • Committee Member and Chair of Equity and Diversity/International Program Committee (Since Fall 2005, chair since 2008)
  • Drafting an Internationalization report for the Department to be shared at the ACE Leadership Campus Meetings
  • Writing letters of support for colleagues' reappointment reviews. (Letter 1 and Letter 2)
  • Writing recommendation letters to nominate non-traditional students for recognition. (Example)
  • Writing recommendation letters on a regular basis to support their further graduate studies or to seek jobs. (Example)
  • Helping international students with grammar to improve their writing.

Community Service

SUNY Cortland