EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in Elementary and Secondary Schools

State University of New York at Cortland

Week 3 September 12th & 14th
WebDesign and Publishing

To do this week

1. Basics of Web Design: from Web authoring to Publishing- the Whole Process

Step 1. Create a web page: Netscape Composer environment

1) Make a folder on a local drive

Make a folder on a local drive (desktop or your flash drive) and name it: "314". You'll put all your ePortfoilo files in this folder, including images (.gif and .jpg).

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to place all your files (html documents, images etc) in that single folder. Later, you can do things differently, but as a novice, you will avoid many frustrating broken links if you have all your documents in a single folder.

2) Open Netscape Composer and get familiar with it

3) Create a file and name it "index.htm" that will serve as your homepage

Create one nice looking page to serve as your "homepage." Save your page to your thumb drive and name it "index.htm"
[This is important: "index.htm" is the standard or default filename for the first page in your web folder. Don't save it under any other name... such as "myindex.htm" or "index.htm".]

4) Check out how your page looks in a browser by opening it in Netscape Composer or Internet. Explorer to see how it will look when you publish it. 

5) At this point, you have your homepage on your hard drive. The next step is to publish it to your Web folder at Cortland. You need to understand FTP ("File Transfer Protocol")

Step 2. Upload your file to your web folder on Cortland Student Web Server

To publish your web pages, you need to understand how Cortland provides you with your web folder in your web space. Here are the step-by-step instructions.

6) Create a web folder

  • Go to and click the "Create a Web Account" link (for students).
  • Click "Create My Web Account"
  • Enter your Cortland NetID and password, then click OK
  • Read the Terms of Service and press Continue
  • Make sure you see a confirmation screen stating "Web Folder Created Successfully"

For technical problems related to web server that could not be solved after working with the instructor, you need to contact Technology Help Center through phone (607) 753-2500 or (607) 753-5599 or email at or go to Technology Help Center at Winchell Hall in person.

7) Publish the page - put pages in your Cortland Server web folder

7.1 Open WS FTP and you will see a pop-up window

Profile Name: Any (you can use your first name but it can be any name as long as you could recognize that it was created by you.)


    Host Type: Automatic Detect (choose this from the drop down menu)

    User ID: Login with your current Cortland NetID. For example, if you NetID is C00000000, you would use

    Password: Use your NetID/email password (uncheck Anonymous; you can check Save Pwd, but do NOT forget to log off the computer when you leave the lab.

    Leave all the other blank and click OK, your should connect to your websit

7.2 Transfer the webpage you just created that is named "index.html" to the Cortland web server

Locate your index.htm from your local drive (your flash drive in this case) in the left-handside window. Use the arrow to upload your index.htm file to your Cortland web server.

Step 3. Access your Pages: How to find your URL

8) Access your pages

To access your web page, you need to know the web address, which is also called URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Your URL to access your web pages is followed by your email address and your home page. For example, if your email is waters54 and your first web page is top.html, then the URL is So here is the formula:


http:// tells the Web-browser to use the hyper-text-transfer-protocol. tells the browser to go to the Cortland web-server computer.

username (waters54) tells the browser to go to your account on the Cortland web-server computer. This is the part of your email before @. Suppose your email is -- your account name is waters54

filename.htm tells the browser to go to that file on your account.

9) About the special file "index.htm" (your default homepage)

A page named index.htm is automatically created when you create your folder and is the page that opens by default when you access your URL without specifying a page. index.htm is a special file and it is your homepage ˇ°by defaultˇ±, that is, you can omit the file name "index.htm" and the URL of your homepage is:

Note: It is crucial that your main page for your website be named "index.htm." If you do not have an index.htm or in your Cortland Web folder, your website WILL NOT WORK.

Here is the URL for different kinds of files in your webfolder:

filename is the name you give to a file with the right extension. It can be any kind of file:
.html web page
.doc word file
.ppt PowerPoint
.jpg or .jpeg image

File names: avoid pitfalls When naming a file, avoid using space, capital letter or other special letters. Thumb of rule: use small letter, no space, but still easy to recognize what the content is.

10) Practice creating another page named "practice.htm" and publish it.

2. Update/Refine your Homepage: Project #1

Design your ePortfolio based on the basic requirements of your ePortfolio in the syllabus and keep revising and updating the "index.html" page.

3. Troubleshooting the First Publication of Your Home Page

3.1 Image not showing up

You all know how to insert an image (picture). The most common mistake is that the text comes in, but not the images.


View Source to see what HTML codes are putting in your image (<img src= ....>):

* It should not look like this: E://filename.jpg" --- that will put in an HTML code that sends anybody who are checking your web page to your flash drive, which is not possible for othres to reach.
* It should not look like this either: C://documents/filename.jpg --- 
* The image file name should look like this: filename.jpg -- if it doesn't, take out all the surplus.

<IMG SRC="filename.gif"> 

<IMG SRC="filename.gif" ALT="text"> 


1)  The image is uploaded to the web server together with the htm file.

2)  Make sure you didn't change the name of the image or the name of the htm files after finishing inserting the page. 

3)  Make sure you put image and the htm file where you want the image inserted into one folder/subfolder

4) When you insert an image, the dialogue box below will pop up. Make sure the little box in front of "URL is relevant to page location" is checked. See below:

If the image and the html is in the same folder, the little box is automatically checked and that page will work well. If the image location shows as below, E:/filename.jpg, the image won't work. The image location needs to be "filename.jpg" and the little box "URL is relevant to page location" is checked.

3.2 A Link to Another Page not Working

* Make sure all the files - the source file and the one you link to are all in the same folder.
* When inserting links to an internal file (file in the same folder), better not type but use "Choose File" and click the file you choose to link to.

3.3 Other Problems?

PowerPoint Slides for today

4. Q & A

Home Work

1) Keep working on your own ePortfolio homepage

2) Prepare for next week

Project #1 Due

Hope this is not your feeling today... very likely it might very well be ;-)