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You should check this page regularly for announcements,
notes from the class in PowerPoint and other formats. All announcements
are retained, but the most recent announcements appear first in the
list below.
I can be contacted via email (shis@cortland.edu), by office phone (607
753 2468) to leave a voice mail, or by cell phone (607 342 2828) if
you need to make an appointment or if you have burning questions that
need immediate help. I enjoy meeting with students and being readily
available. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment. Also, if
you happen to be near my office (Van Hoesen B224) feel free to stop
by for questions, comments, or just to chat. I will try to respond
your voice message or email within 24 hours (weekends and holidays
not included).

Week 15th, May
The class will meet regularly in the
classroom. The whole class seminar will go from 4:20-6:00pm.
The last 50 mintues will be for individual meetings.
check Snack page and take your
turn to bring snack and/or drinks to cater the class.
to Final Presentation - what to focus on?
- Title of the study with your name
- Study purpose in a nutshell
- Major research questions
- Research site & participants in brief (how
many classes/students/teachers/parents? How are you related
to them - for instance, do you teach there or substitue or else?)
- Data sources to answer your research questions
- highlight one of the sources to answer one of your questions
- How will you increase the validity, reliability
and credibility of your study? What critical ethical issues
could there be (or not)?
- Show one of your instruments from appendix
and explain, for instance, did you design the instrucment?
Is it valid - can it answer your question?
- Timeline and justify your timeline (only focus
on the total length of data collection process)
- Significance – what will you learn from
doing this research? How will this improve (or not) your teaching?
- Each presenter will have about 7-8 minutes (no more than 8 minutes).
- Each presentation will be followed by a live discussion. Please
take this as another chance to self-critique and to invite critiques
from your peers and the instructor so as to improve your research
(and therefore to be better prepared for your Master's Thesis in

Week 10, March 27th
We'll have Hot Topic discussion at the begining
of the class from 4:20-4:50. Discussion Leaders please get ready
well before class so that we can start right after class starts.Discussion
leaders are:
Hot Topic 6: Does School Violence
Warrant a Zero-Tolerance Policy?
Discussion Leaders:
Samantha Schneider
Rebecca Hansen
Christine Medicis
Please remember to bring your textbooks - Mills and The Concise

Week 9, March 20th
We'll have Hot Topic discussion at the begining
of the class from 4:20-4:50. Discussion Leaders please get
ready well before class so that we can start right after class
starts.Discussion leaders are:
Hot Topic 4: Is Home Schooling
a Danger to American Society?
Discussion Leaders:
Joe Marzullo
Gretchen Obrist
Melissa Powers
Steve Riggs
Research Proposal Draft #2 is due today. Submission
of hard copy due in class (please make sure you PRINT and bring
a HARD COPY to class). Posting of
digital copy as attachement to WebCT due by midnight of the day.
To post your works on WebCT, go to Homepage > Classroom > Working Pages > Discussions> Draft
#2 Liaterature Review.

Week 5, Feb.20th

Week 4, Feb.13th
We agreed that the class needs some food/snack
during class time each week and you will take turns to bring food
to class each week. A sign-up sheet will be passed around this
week on class and later posted on Snack Page. Thank Paula
and Kathy for voluteering to bring food to entertain the class
this Tues.

Week 2, Jan.30th
Tuesday - Library Time. Class will meet in Memorial
Library, 2nd floor, the Interactive Reference Area, the ususal
class time, 4:20-6:50. I have invited tech support and senior librarian
to provide the class expert training and guidance. Instructional
Materials Design Specialist, WebCT Tech Support Chris Widdall will
provide WebCT training so that you will know how to post your course
projects, how to participate online discussion, how to check grades,
etc. Senior Assistant Librarian
Lorraine Melita will provide workshop in
using library to do research. Please
be in class on time. After the training will be workshop and self practice time.
Please feel free to ask the experts questions and make good use
of the library time so that you will have fewer problems during
the semester as we move along.

1, Jan.23rd
This page was last
updated on April 28th, 2007
For comments or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi