Class Topics and Assignments
Due Date
Readings Assignments Due Date
Week 1
Jan.23rd |
Overview (PPT1)
- Learning Community Building
- Course Overview
- For next week
Week 2 Jan.30th
Library Time & WebCT
Class in the Memorial Library (Interactive Reference
Area, 2nd Floor)
- Find one “good” (in your own opinion)
published article of your own interest (make a hard
copy) to share with the class (for Week 3).
- What seems to be your area of interest?
2.1 Text book, Mills, Chapter 1. Understanding Action Research
2.2 Text book: Mills, Chapter 2. Deciding on an area of interest. |
Week 3
Feb.06th |
The Scientific Approach
in Education (PPT3)
-A Big Picture
- Types of research
- Stages/Steps of doing research
HW: think about your own teaching, about
your own research – identify
a research focus.
Hot Topic 1: Should School Homework be Abolished or not?
Hot Topics Signed up - Check when you/your group
are going to lead the class discussion. Sign-up Sheet in WORD;
in PDF
3.1 Introduction to Educational
Research – Types of Research, Gay, Mills, Airasian, (2006).
Chapter I, p.2-19
3.2 What is research? How does the process of
research look like?
3.3 Typical stages in Research.
Week 4
Feb.13th |
Introduction to Action
Research (PPT4)
Developing your Research Questions (I)
- Using Action Research to Solve a Problem: develop
your research questions.
- Format of a research proposal/report
- Action research proposal - Course project: a big
picture + Draft #1 (rubric and format)
- Group work: brainstorming area of interest from your
own teaching.
Observe your own teaching or other’s teaching
for a day - for reasonable hours and write 1-page reflections “Things
I learned …” (Remember the purpose of doing this:
to identify an area of interest and to frame your research
4.1 Living the questions
4.1.1 Why Teacher Research?
4.1.2 Little r and Big R 4.1.3 Celebrating “ Things
I learned last week”
4.2 Strategies for working toward a research question, Hubbard & Power,
(1999), p31-34.
4.3 Mills, Chapter 1. Understanding Action Research (Textbook)
4.4 Action Research – Example#1: The Inherent
Desire to Learn: Intrinsically Motivating First Grade Students.
Week 5
Feb.20th |
Developing your research
questions (II)
(PPT 5)
- Share “what I’ve learned last week about
teaching” – what
research questions have you developed from your
observation (& lit rev)?
- Good/researchable research questions
Qualities of good research question (PDF) (developed
by Shufang's Class)
- Refine your research questions
- Outlining a quantitative or qualitative research
Research Topics by EDU651 Fall05
Class (WORD)
Topics by EDU651 Spr06 Class
Topics by other classes
Hot Topic 2: Is Full Inclusion
of Disabled Students Desirable?
Discussion Leaders:
Jessica Carvel;
Katie Dougherty;
Brain Radcliffe &
Megan Kappauf |
5.1 The Research Problem (Characteristics
of good research questions), Fraenkel & Wallen, 2006, p26-33.
5.2 How to refine a research question,
Hubbard & Power, (1999), p28-29.
5.3 Steps in doing a research study – preparing a research
proposal, Gall et all (2005), p17-21; p523-525.
5.4 Outlining
action research master’s thesis (PDF)
5.5 Action
research examples - Networks - an on-line journal for teacher
research (PDF)
Week 6
Feb.27th |
Literature review (I)
(PPT 6)
- Definition, purpose & guidelines
- Examples and analysis
- Literature Review Draft #2 Rubric
- Types of Research Articles
- Anatomy of a published study
Research Proposal Draft #1 Introduction
Hot Topic 3: Do High-Stakes
Assessments Improve Learning?
Discussion Leaders:
Julie Bennett
Rachel Storti
Paula Harns
Kathy McGowan
6.1 Literature Review-
An Overview: Handout. WORD ; PDF
Writing Literature Review, Galvan, 2006,
6.2.1 Analyzing Qualitative
Research Literature (Chapter 6)
6.2.2 Guidelines for writing a first draft (Chapter 7)
Guidelines for developing a coherent essay (Chapter 8)
Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It
tips on literature review
why are literature reviews often called ‘Critical Reviews’?
sample literature review; and
More examples of student literature review with teacher's comments
very simple action research report
Week 7 Mar.6th |
Library Time
- Literature Review Search
- CITI Pointers
- Individual Meeting with Instructor (I)

Format: WORD |
7.1 Textbook: Mills, Appendix A:
A Case Study of Curtis Elementary.
7.2 Action Research – Example#2.
7.3 Literature Review Examples.
7.5 Types of Research
7.6 Text Book: Concise Rules of APA (constantly
7.7 APA handouts
Week 8 Mar.13th
Spring Break - no class
Week 9 Mar.20
Literature Review (II)
(PPT 9)
Research Proposal Draft #2 Literature Review due
HW: Observation of your own teaching – looking for
potential data sources.
Hot Topic 4: Is Home Schooling
a Danger to American Society?
Discussion Leaders:
Joe Marzullo
Gretchen Obrist
Melissa Powers
Steve Riggs
9.1 Text Book: Concise Rules of APA (constantly consulted)
9.2 Action Research – Example#3: Using
Reading Response Journals for Reading Comprehension
Week 10
Mar.27th |
Methodology (I) (PPT
- Revisit qualitative method – a general picture
- Elements of methodology (draft #3)
Hot Topic 6: Does School Violence
Warrant a Zero-Tolerance Policy?
Discussion Leaders:
Samantha Schneider
Rebecca Hansen
Christine Medicis
10.1 Revisit Qualitative Approach
10.2 Text book: Mills, Chapter 3. Data collection techniques,
p50-79. |
Week 11 Apr. 3rd
Methodology (II)
- Each group practices designing one study
- Strategies for Data Collection – role play
- Interview
- Artifacts
- Observation
Hot Topic 7: Are online
courses good or bad?
Discussion Leaders:
Alissa Bardy
Crystal Wall
Antoniette Manino
Howara Marko
11.1 Text book: Mills, Chapter 4. Data collection considerations:
Validity, Reliability, and Generalizability.
11.2 Text book: Mills, Chapter 5. Ethical issues
Week 12 Apr.10th |
Methodology (III) Meet
- Strategies for Data Analysis
- Ethical Issues
Timeline Example by Shi Dissert (JPG)
Timeline Example by Shi Spencer (JPG)
Post Draft #3 on line; Peer Review
online |
12.1 Text book: Mills, Chapter 6. Data Analysis and Interpretation.
Week 13 Apr.17th
Wrap up the Action
Research (PPT)
Relating your research to you teaching: action plans
Proposal Draft #3 Methodology due
13.1 Abstract
13.2 Evaluating Discussion Sections
13.3 Revisiting research proposal and research report
13.4 Text book: Mills, Textbook, Chapter 8.
Writing up Action Research |
Week 14 Apr.24th
Research Presentation
Individual Meeting with the Instructor (I)
Week 15 May 1st
Grow up as a professional (PPT)
Research Critique: Critique your own research
Individual Meeting with the Instructor (II)
15.1 Ten Rules for
Keeping Your Audience Awake During Conferences
15.2 Making academic presentations effectively
15.3 Understanding and evaluating educational
research: research critiques.
Week 16
May 8th |
Final Presentation (I)
Research Proposal
Final Submission due
Action Research Proposal Final Project Outline & Rubric
in WORD;
in PDF
Action Research Proposal Final Project Format in WORD;
in PDF
Action Research Final Presentation
in WORD;
in PDF
Final Submission: What to submit? In Word; in PDF 
Final Presentation - what to focus on?
Title of the study with your name
- Study purpose in a nutshell
- Major research questions
Research site & participants in brief
(how many classes/students/teachers/parents? How are
you related to them - for instance, do you teach there
or substitue or else?)
Data sources to answer your research
questions - highlight one of the sources to answer
one of your questions
How will you increase the validity, reliability
and credibility of your study? What critical ethical
issues could there be (or not)?
Show one of your instruments from appendix
and explain, for instance, did you design the instrucment?
Is it valid - can it answer your question?
Timeline and justify your timeline (only focus
on the total length of data collection process)
Significance – what will you learn
from doing this research? How will this improve (or
not) your teaching?
Each presenter will have about 7-8 minutes
(no more than 8 minutes).
Each presentation will be followed by a live discussion.
Please take this as another chance to self-critique and to
invite critiques from your peers and the instructor so as
to improve your research (and therefore to be better prepared
for your Master's Thesis in EDU652)
May 15th
Final presentation (II)