Web Links for Language Teachers
Many other Web Links are available for foreign language teachers. We have grouped together a number of Collections put together by FL colleagues so that we don't all have to reinvent the wheel. You will also find a number of essential General FL Links. Finally we have listed a few favorites language specific sites in a few languages. |

Collections of FL Web Links
Media :
Links to live television on the Internet from many different countries and in many languages from http://wwitv.com/.
Links to live radio on the Internet from Worldwide Radio.
Radio garden uses a map to search for live radio stations around the world.
Online Newspaper Directory for the World is an extensive listing.
Foreign Language News and Newspapers from MIT Libraries.
ABYZ News Links includes geographically organized world-wide links to a selection of on-line newspapers, magazines, and broadcast stations.
The Radio Locator is organized geographically.
Radio Canada International has online radio in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Ukranian, Russian, and of course French.
Clipart for teachers :
ETC - Free clipart for students & teachers from Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse.
Teacher Files -
Free Educational Clipart.
Classroom Clipart is made for teachers.
ClipArt ETC for students and teachers.
Openclipart - Since 2004
Clipart Pal by categories.
http://www.pdclipart.org/ Public Domain Clipart.
Dictionaries :
WordReference.com has a variety of multilingual lookups.
Dict.cc is a powerful multilingual dictionary, especially for German and English but also for many other languages.
ReversoContext helps you look up expressions and see translations in context. ReversoDictionnaire includes a variety of languages.
yourDictionary.com includes links to dictionaries in many of the world's languages.
OneLook Dictionary Search - search in multiple dictioinaries.
TheFreeDictionary - Dictionaries & other tools & word games.
refseek.com - collection of dictionaries & thesauri.
Merriam-Webster includes their Spanish-English dictionary and Medical dictionary.
alphaDictionary,com has a variety dictionaries by language.
Free online dictionaries from Fluent in 3 months.
Collections made by teachers for teachers :
The Foreign Languages links page, by Jim Becker, includes many links for multiple languages.
Learning a Foreign Language from my-spanish-dictionary.com.
The home page of the Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) project of the University of Minnesota's Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) has many useful resources.
The University of Sussex lists a collection of EFL - French - Spanish - German - Italian - Russian - Japanese - Chinese - Less Commonly Taught Languages resources.
Primarily ESL :
Dave's ESL Cafe by Dave Sperling is a very popular ESL resource.
Breaking News English by Sean Banville offers daily English lessons using current events.
LearmEnglish Kids site from the Britich Council..
TEFL Learning Centre is a large collection of resources for Teaching English as a Foreign Language teachers.
Basics of English Grammar is a collection grammar lessons from talkenglish.com.
Activities for ESL Students - from a4esl.org.
EnglishGrammar - organized by topics.
English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions - from usingenglish.com.
The TEFL Professional Network is a professional registry and resource for TEFL and TESL professionals.
All ESL - Various ESL materials.
Activities :
Internet Activities for Foreign Language Classes from Merlot.
Internet4Classrooms - Foreign Language activities on the Internet.
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General FL Links
The ACTFL, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, has a very useful page, including links to other professional organizations. You can find the online the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012. ACTFL position statements including 90% Target Language use in the classroom, maximum class size recommendations, and many more.
The MAPS (MLA Academic Program Services) includes ADFL (the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages). The ADFL Bulletin has a complete online archive for member departments only.
The Advanced Placement Program : AP Central site includes information for teachers about AP and has links to information about discussion groups for AP teachers of several languages.
The ATA, American Translators Association is of interest to language teachers working in translation services.
The Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers.
The CAL - Center for the Applied Linguistics home page.
InterCom from the Center for Applied Second Language Studies University of Oregon (CASLS) is a free weekly customized email digest for language teachers that collects relevant professional online communications such as listservs, blogs, and organizational websites.
CALICO, the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, is a professional organization that serves a membership involved in both education and high technology.
Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
CIEE, the Council on International Educational Exchange, is "a nonprofit, nongovernmental, educational organization founded in 1947 with the mission of developing educational exchanges and fostering international understanding."
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) describes foreign language proficiency at six levels: A1 and A2, B1 and B2, C1 and C2. Equivalnces for North American proficiency standards (from ACTFL).
Costly Translation Mistakes that Could Have Been Avoided (recommended by Ashley, Karen, and Tara).
The ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center, database site is an important resource for FL teachers.
University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center offers a wide range of language related projects.
Ethnologue: Languages of the World : information from the Ethnologue database.
Learning Disabilities and Foreign Language Learning is an articly by Robin L. Schwarz (1997).
IALLT, the International Association of Language Learning Technology, can help FL teachers with all technical aspects of Language Labs.
IBO, International Baccalaureate Organization home page.
The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is a great tool for finding detailed information about all sorts of films from around the world.
The Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL) and the National Council for Languages and International Studies (NCLIS) are a good source of ideas on FL lobbying efforts.
The Languages Across the Curriculum site at Trinity Univ. is a good place to go for any LAC information.
NCSSFL, The National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages, home page includes state reports by state.
NECTFL, The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages assists language teachers at all academic levels and enhances the status of languages and language teaching in the eyes of the American public.
The Foreign Language Assessment Directory (FLAD), includes information about a large selection of tests. "The FLAD has been compiled and revised by staff at the Center for Applied Linguistics with support from the National Capitol Language Resource Center, the National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center, the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition and foreign language educators throughout the United States."
NNELL, the National Network for Early Language Learning.
The National Registration Center for Study Abroad (NRCSA) helps students looking for "Intercultural and Foreign Language Immersion Programs Around the World."
SCOLA's Home Page includes access to the schedules for SCOLA channels.
SCOLT, Southern Conference on Language Teaching Home Page.
Special Education Needs including a variety of documents and materials - David R. Wilson · Newcastle upon Tyne · United Kingdom.
Telephone Directories on the Web has links to authentic directories from countries around the world.
Test Your Language Evaluate your language skills in many languages.
Bob Peckham has prepared a TFLTA PROFESSIONAL RESOURCE CENTER collection of information on state FL Standards.
Andy Holt Virtual Library is an on-line virtual library at the Univ. of Tennessee, Martin, run by Bob Peckham.
Online Journals:
Language Learning & Technology is a journal for second and foreign language educators.
The Modern Language Journal (MLJ) Home Page.
NYSAFLT Journal Archives - The archives of the Journal of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers are freely available online. NYSAFLT's Annual Conference Publication are also online.
The NECTFL Review - Publication of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
SCOLT Puiblications - Publications of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (Dimension and Scolt Talk).
TESL-EJ : an electronic journal for Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.
The Internet TESL Journal is a monthly web journal for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
World languages education journals from Stanford Library.
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A few favorite FL Web Links by language

AM1320 CHMB in Vancouver B.C., Canada broadcasts in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese.
Chinese Character Genealogy: An Etymological Chinese-English Dictionary by Rick Harbaugh.
The Chinese Character Detail Page from Written Chinese.
Learn to Write Characters uses animation by Tim Xie.
The Internet Guide for Chinese Studies from the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg
has detailed descriptions of selected Internet sites for Chinese studies.
The Ocrat Chinese pages are a tutorial for writing and pronunciation focus on Chinese for English speakers.
Online Chinese Tools provides tools for helping people learn and use the Chinese language.
Most Recommended Resources For Learning Chinese from All Language Resources.
Chinese Newspapers & Magazines - at Worldpress.org
Chinese English dictionary online from chinese-tools.com.
Check out these Video Clips of Survival Chinese.
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The English-Esperanto On-line Dictionary from travlang.
Le Monde Diplomatique newspaper in Esperanto.
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The American Association of Teachers of French, the official AATF Web page.
The AATF National Commission on Cultural Competence has produced a model defining general standards for cultural competence and applying those standards to the many French-speaking areas of the world.
AATF French Language Advocacy - Advocating for All French Programs.
American Society of the French Academic Palms, the official page for those who have been decorated by the French Government with the French Academic Palms. The society endeavors to further interest in French language and culture and awards summer scholarships to high school and college students.
Libération is a well known French newspaper on the left.
Le Monde is France's best known daily newspaper.
Agence France Presse has daily international news summaries in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and English.
Le Parisien en ligne, journal français.
Paris Match online French magazine with an emphasis on photos.
Le Nouvel Observateur Quotidien en ligne, journal français.
L'Express Économie: online business news from l'Express that should be particularly useful for commercial French classes.
L'Express is the well known French magazine with many on-line articles.
DELF and DALF resources - from Naturellement Français - test preparation for the DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française).
Français Interactif - online interactive materials from Univ. of Texas at Austin.
Linguee is an online dictionary that helps you find French expressions from a variety of source languages.
Français: Ressources télécharcheables - online exercises for French children.
TenneseeBob Peckham at the University of Tennessee at Martin has developed the archetypical FL Web collection for French called: Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links! This is the place to start for French teachers.
TBob's sites overview, (includes Manuscripts of Medieval France with Vernacular Texts)
Dictionnaire des Synonymes et des Antonymes Français .
Dictionnaire des Synonymes from les-dicos.com.
Online Dictionnaire Électronique des Synonymes from the Laboratoire CRISCO.
Larousse online dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Le Trésor de la langue française informatisé: TLFI - is a truly exceptional dictionary tool.
Le Grand dictionnaire terminologique from the Office québecoise de la languge française.
LanguageGuide.org Français- has sections for Vocabulary, Grammar, and Readings.
Eduscol: Lettres : pedagogical practices site from France for French, languages & culture, and antiquity.
Litterature audio.com has many free French audio books.
GreatSong.net music at http://www.greatsong.net/, musique en français.
Taratata French television with live music.
Les Trois Suisses & La Redoute are major online department store catalogs. Also see Galeries Lafayette, Le Bon Marché, Le Printemps, E.Leclerc Hypermarché.
La fnac - magasin de médias: livres, disques, vidéos, cédéroms: online catalog.
The île en île page by Sylvie Roussel-Gaucheran and Thomas C. Spear presents information about the francophone islands found around the world, archived in 2021.
Studyrama - Exam banks, Including: Tous les sujets et corrigés du bac gratuitement 2h après le début des épreuves!
Lumni - Very interesting site for videos useful for various classes in France.
L'étudiant.fr - Bac, examens & corrigés.
Sujetdebac, le site qui référence des sujets de bac !
Corrigés gratuits du bac (by year).
Lettres-utiles.com is a site with lots of sample letters for all purposes. Also: La Poste https://www.laposte.fr/envoi-courrier-en-ligne/modeles-lettres-thematiques; https://www.lettres-gratuites.com/modele-lettre.html; https://www.documentissime.fr/modeles-de-lettres/ ; and many more similar sites can be found.
ViaMichelin : This site will help you plan an automobile trip in France. Préparer le bon itinéraire avec Mappy is a similar site.But today most people in France use Waze.
Creating French Culture - Library of Congress exhibit: Treasures from the Bibliothèque nationale de France contains an extensive collection of images.
L'Ambassade de France in Washington D.C.
French government has information about the government and institutions.
L'Ambassade du Canada in Washington D.C. : Le Canada et les États-Unis. Also see: Le Canada et les États-Unis.
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada offers a direct link in French to services of various government agencies in Canada and its provinces.
Site Officiel du Gouvernement du Québec.
Bibliothèque et archives Canada.
Musée canadien de l'histoire is an extensive site providing access to many resources.
Réseau des sports offers current news about sports from Canada and around the world in French.
Afrique francophone - links from CUNY.
The Euro page include lots of information about the curency. There is also a Euro page in French. Also see FLTEACH's Euro coins photos.
Gallica is the online digital library of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Amiens Cathedral Project is in English but is an interesting exploration of the cathedral.
Notre Dame de Paris RECONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT from Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris. See also REBÂTIR NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS.
The French Ministère des Affaires Etrangères has an excellent Web page including information on geography, society, history, food, education, europe, economy, etc.
For a connection to French culture try Le Ministère de la culture.
Les Pages Jaunes (France Telecom service) is the France télécom free online telephone directory including both yellow pages and white pages.
France Pratique is a very rich source of practical information about contemporary France. Culture, education, travel, law, family, social security, housing, work, etc.
Marie Ponterio's Civilisation française online teaching modules include original images, audio cues, and digital videos for lessons on a wide range of topics: cuisine, culture, social change, school, economy, Europe, holidays, family life, housing, history, religion, social security, symbols, transportation, vacation. A "Voyage Virtuel" uses an interactive map of France to provide information, images, and links for cities and regions throughout France.
The TV5 site , the international Francophone television channel in Canada, includes the schedule as well as information about programming and aides for French teachers.
Radio France includes France Info (Flash, Journal, and Live), France Inter, France Culture, France Bleu, etc. via RealAudio or Media Player.
Radio France Internationale provides online audio of news updates every 3 hours on France Info Express in addition to other RFI radio services (chroniques & magasines). They also have a Journal en français facile.
Radio NRJ - also has a Web Radio for French hits (if you are looking for only French music).
Europe 1 includes online news (text and audio) and live radio from Europe 1.
Europe 2 lets you listen online.
French TV - TF 1 - France 2 - France 3 - Canal + - ARTE - M6 - France-TV en direct.
France24 French News channel - en direct.
News in Slow French includes podcasts and transcripts.
Podcast Français Facile includes podcasts and transcripts.
Radio-Canada provides access to both udio & video from radio and television programming.
Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou presents the museum.
Canal-U presents is an online digital videothèque with lectures from French universities.
Meteo France provides information about weather in French.
Le WebMuseum formerly the WebLouvre by Nicolas Pioch is now located at many sites around the world. You can find other sites in the US, Australia, Japan, and now even in France! Choose the one nearest to you.
Centre des monuments nationaux is a fantastic site about monuments all over France. Great info, great photos.
The official site of Le Louvre includes a virtual reality tour and a presentation of some of the works in the collection.
France.fr tout savoir sur la France.
Momes.net : premiers pas sur Internet - These "first steps on the Internet" are just right for kids.
Internet pour les momes - comptines has a large number of children's songs.
Comptines pour l'école maternelle has a variety of songs and provides audio for some of them.
Il était une histoire has collections of stories, fables, comptines, songs, poems in French for children.
Mon Quotidien.fr is a video news program for kids, 10-14.
Le Journal des Enfants: is an online magazine for French kids 9-14.
Le Petit Quotidien: is another online magazine for French kids.
How to Text in French has SMS / exto abreviations from About.com.
The Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc prehistoric cave paintings, discovered in December 1994 in the Ardèche region of France, were put on-line on January 24, 1995 by the French Ministry of Culture! This web page displays photographs taken in the caves and includes a text describing the site. It was one of the earliest web sites that sparked the interest of French teachers around the world. See as well the Lascaux cave site.
See l'INSEE for all sorts of statistics about France (L’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques).
INED is the Institut National d'Études Démographiques for French demographic data and articles.
Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL), University of Chicago. Here is a site that allows you to search Diderot's and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie by keyword.
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The AATG American Association of Teachers of German has its own Web page that includes information for AATG members as well as electronic resources for German.
Deutsch im Blick, is a free online German textbook from UT Austin.
Der Spiegel, the German magazine, is accessible on-line.
Deutsch Welle is another interesting site for German instructors. Includes Nicos Weg free online German course as well as other free online materials for learning German.
The Goethe Institute is the German Cultural Institute with a wide variety of resources for teachers of German.
Easy German Youtube channel has interviews in the street in Germany with subtitles in German and English. Great authentic language.
InfoRadio Berlin-Brandenburg - Live radio news in German from public radio in Berlin and Brandenburg.
Das Erste Mediathek - Online TV streaming.
ORF Radio & TV News & on demand radio from Austria.
Radio Züresee - radio in German from Zurich.
Television news in German: der Tagesschau: with audio and video.
Berlin and the two Germanies (1945-1990) and German Unification, Five Years After (1989-1994) are presentations that were originally slide shows, meant for a general college audience by Adi Hofmann of Santa Rosa Junior College.
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Omniglot: Hebrew about Hebrew writing.
Learn Hebrew Free - Free OnlineResources for Hebrew.
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio.

The American Association Teachers of Italian (AATI) newsletter.
MIT libraries Italian news - Online news from Italy.
The RAI has a very rich site with a wide variety of services including RealAudio programming and text of news in Italian.
RAI Televideo News, weather, and other services in Italian.
Radio Dimensione Suono Network (RDS): Radio online from Italy.
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The Japan Forum : TJF.
JapanesePod101.com: Learn Japanese online for free.
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Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation by Maria C. Pantelia at the University of California, Irvine is an amazingly extensive collection.
The Perseus Digital Library at Tufts University.
The Texas Classical Association is a good resource for Latin teachers. This site also has a practice test for the Latin ExCET (for certification in Texas), as well as articles from award-winning journal, _Texas Classics in Action_.
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Resources.
The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project.
The Encyclopedia Mythica site is a collection of information about mythologies in many areas of the ancient world.
Forum Romanum, a project by David Camden, is a site for Latin resources.
The LATINTEACH Web site is associated with the LATINTEACH e-mail discussion forum for Latin teachers.
The Contexts for Classics is the web resource page of the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan.
The Latin Library is includes a Classics Page.
VRoma is a virtual community for the teaching of Classics. It includes a MOO modeled after the ancient city of Rome, and it is a collection of and filter for internet resources.
The Classics Resources & Links page at U. of Kentucky seeks to serve the Classics community.
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Persian from the Univ. of California, Irvine.
Persian Online: Grammar & Resources: U orf Texas at Austin
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Radio Comercial offers on-line radio broadcasts in Portuguese.
Radio Brasil has an extensive listing of broadcasts in Portuguese from Brazil.
CBN Cultura presents live online broadcasts in Portuguese from Brazil.
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The AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages) page is an interesting professional resource.
Library of Congress Soviet Archives Exhibit.
REESweb is a virtual library for Russian and East European Studies Internet Resources from Pitt.
Izvestia- IZ.RU News.
Pravda is a Russian daily newspaper.
ITAR-TASS Russian news agency.
Nezavisimaya gazeta a Russian independent daily newspaper.
Andreas Lixl's Slavic Studies Trails on the Internet, including Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian Trails are located at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
RussNet is a national Russian language field resource with online learning modules.
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The AATSP American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese has an official home page
Ministerio de Cultura - The Spanish culture ministry site.
El Corte Inglès department store online catalog.
Spanish Grammar Exercises by Barbara Kuczun Nelson is one of the best collections of original online materials by a Spanish teacher.
Cool and Free Spanish Resources for Teachers from SpeakingLatino.com.
Lingüística is an online linguistics resource in Spanish from the American School of Madrid.
ChileVision online news and live television from Chile using the RealVideo Player.
Onda Cero LA RADIO EN VIVO is radio station from Spain that you can listen to online.
Cadena Cope Ultimas noticias y Radio en directo : Live online radio and news from Spain.
Radio National de España - Radio Uno & Radio Exterior live. News
http://www.rtve.es/ and lots of video from TV
http://www.rtve.es/television/ (also live TV)
Canal Sur Radio Televisión from Canal Sur.
Caracol Colombia live radio Bogota, Colombia - news, sports, talk.
Spanish Proficiency Exercises - University of Texas Austin.
Centro Virtual Cervantes destinada a los profesores de español como segunda lengua.
Jean LeLoup's Taller hispano contains activity modules using authentic materials and Internet resources designed around themes such as the individual, the family, leisure activities, schools, pets, clothing and shopping, food and drink, government, time, weather, months, etc.
El País is the electronic edition of the Spanish newspaper.
El Mundo is the electronic edition of the Spanish newspaper.
La Estrella Digital is the electronic edition of the Spanish newspaper.
La Jornada is an electronic edition of this daily newspaper from Mexico.
Proceso is an electronic edition of this magazine from Mexico with sections on politics, economics, international news, culture, liesure, and sports.
La Nación is an electronic edition of this daily newspaper from Costa Rica.
Web Compjugador is another on-line Spanish verb conjugation program.
Diccionarios is a listing of on-line dictionaries for the Spanish language. This is a part of El Castellano: La Página del Idioma Español.
Diccionarios.com - a variety of online Spanish and multilingual dictionaries..
Museo del Prado - site for the Prado museum.
Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia - is a wonderful presentation of the museum allowing the visitor to examine the contents of individual rooms.
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza - presents the museum's collection with explanatory text for each work.
Mexico Web - A Yahoo-type web classification and search engine for Mexico.
UT-LANIC : University of Texas -- Latin American Network Information Center.
PracticingSpanish.com : Spanish grammar and exercises (gramática y ejercicios).
Find out about MundoHispano, the Spanish language learning Moo, now at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Comprension y uso de la Estadística a Spanish mathematics site for statistics in Spanish, French, English & Portuguese developed by Fernando Valdes, Universidad Romulo Gallegos, & Bob Ponterio.
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