Caroline Kaltefleiter

Office Location: Dowd
Fine Arts Center,
Room 229
Phone Number: (607) 753-4203
E-mail Address:
- Ph.D. Ohio University
- M.A. Miami University
- A.B.J. University of Georgia
- A.A. Amarillo College
Courses Taught:
- Mass Media and Society
- Audio Production
- Media Criticism
- Gender Communication
- Approaches to Women's Studies
- New Communication Media
Areas of Expertise:
- Womens' studies
- Media and culture
Research Interests:
- Youth culture capitalism
- Post-feminism
- Cyberfeminism
- Popular Culture
Recent Publications and Creative Works:
- Girls Interrupted: Sexual Identity, Bodily Transformation, and Femininity in Contemporary American Cinema, conference presentation, Turku , England (2001).
- Revolution Girl Style Now: Irreverent Media and the Riot Grrrl Network, conference presentation, London, England (2001).
- Currently Serving as Women's Studies Co-Coordinator.
- Visiting Journalist and Consultant, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England. Worked with colleagues at the BCC and CNN to review broadcast news techniques and management strategies.
- Advisor and Executive Producer KSMC-FM, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa.
Producer, WOUB-FM/AM Athens, Ohio.
Media Coordinator, United Way of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Production Assistant, NBC News, Democratic Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.