Thomas Mwanika

Office Location: Dowd
Fine Arts Center,
Room 225
Phone Number: (607) 753-4099
E-mail Address:
- Ph.D. Michigan State University
- M.S. University of Wisconsin
- B.S. University of Wisconsin
Courses Taught:
- Communication Research
- Statistical Methods
- Intercultural Communication
- General Semantics
Areas of Expertise:
- Research Methods
- Intercultural Communication
Research Interests:
- Personal Aspirations, Anomie, and International Experiences
- Human Diversity
- Teaching and Learning
Recent Publications and Creative Works:
- "Infusing Critical Thinking into College and University Courses in Kenya: A Needs Analysis Via a Focus Group." The Africana Human Conditioned and Global Dimensions (Global Publications, Binghamton University, 2002)
- Dr. Mwanika is professor of communication
studies and the founding chair of the present communication studies
department. He served as Project Director for SKEP, State University
of New York -Kenya Educational Partnership Project, funded through
USAID and ALO. At SUNY Cortland, Dr. Mwanika has served as acting
coordinator of International Studies and the Director of Center
for International Education. The Thomas O. Mwanika award was
created by the department in his honor and is awarded to students
for outstanding research, leadership and character