Department of Biological Sciences

  Labs Instructors  

 !  BIO111 - Principles of Biology II
Stephen Campbell

Bio 111 course information

Lab 1 handout

Lab 2 handout

lab 3 Handout

Lab 4 Handout

Lab 5 Handout

Writing assignment instructions

Lab 8 Handout

Lab 9 Handout

Lab 10 handout

Life's greatest miracle

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP powerpoint

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP photo tour (large file may take a while to load)

Practical 2 schedule

Lab 12 Handout

Lime Hollow Handout

Open labs to review for practical will be 4/28-5/1 in Bowers 260

Monday 11-12 with Maureen Foley

Monday 12-2 with Lisa Gugerty

Monday 3-6 with Cathy Catranis

Wednesday 3-6 with Steve Campbell

Thursday 3-5 with Anna Spaulding

103 Bowers, x2711


Catharine Catranis

BIO 111 Course Information

Lab # 1 Handout: Digestion (Part 1) and External Fetal Pig Anatomy

Lab # 2 Handout: Digestion (Pt 2); Neck, Thoracic, and Abdominal 

Fetal  Pig Anatomy; and Respiration

Lab # 3 Handout: The Heart

Lab #4 Handout: Circulation (Cardiovascular System and the Hepatic Portal System)

Lab #5 Handout: Urogenital and Musculoskeletal Systems

Lab #7 Handout and Worksheets:  Immunology

Writing assignment instructions

Lab #8 Handout: Nervous System

Lab #9 Handout: Animal Behavior

Lab # 10 Handout:  Reproduction and Development

Life's greatest miracle

Lab #11 HANDOUT:  Cortland Wastewater Treatment Plant

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP powerpoint

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP photo tour (large file may take a while to load)

Lab #12 Handout:  Plant Anatomy and Plant Transpiration

Lab #13 Handout:  Lime Hollow Field Trip

Practical 2 schedule

Open labs to review for practical will be 4/28-5/1 in Bowers 260

Monday 11-12 with Maureen Foley

Monday 12-2 with Lisa Gugerty

Monday 3-6 with Cathy Catranis

Wednesday 3-6 with Steve Campbell

Thursday 3-5 with Anna Spaulding

103 Bowers, x2711

Office Hours: 

Mondays 2:45 - 4:15pm,

Wednesdays 2:45 - 4:15pm,

and by appointment

  Maureen Foley

Course Information

Lab 1 Handout

Lab 2 Handout

Lab 3 Handout

Lab 4 Handout

Lab 5 Handout

Writing assignment instructions

Lab 7 Handout

Lab 8 Handout

Lab 9 handout

Lab 10

Lab 11 Handout

Life's greatest miracle

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP powerpoint

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP photo tour (large file may take a while to load)

Lab 12 Handout

Lab 13 Handout

Practical 2 schedule

Open labs to review for practical will be 4/28-5/1 in Bowers 260

Monday 11-12 with Maureen Foley

Monday 12-2 with Lisa Gugerty

Monday 3-6 with Cathy Catranis

Wednesday 3-6 with Steve Campbell

Thursday 3-5 with Anna Spaulding

104 Bowers, x4842

Office Hours:

Mondays 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM

or by appointment

Lisa Gugerty

Lab 1 Handout

Lab 2 Handout

Lab 3 Handout

Lab 4 Handout

Writing assignment instructions

Lab 8 Handout

Life's greatest miracle

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP powerpoint

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP photo tour (large file may take a while to load)

Practical 2 schedule

Open labs to review for practical will be 4/28-5/1 in Bowers 260

Monday 11-12 with Maureen Foley

Monday 12-2 with Lisa Gugerty

Monday 3-6 with Cathy Catranis

Wednesday 3-6 with Steve Campbell

Thursday 3-5 with Anna Spaulding

104 Bowers, x4842

Office Hours:

Anna Spaulding

Course Information

Lab/Teaching Scheudle (All Labs)

Virtural Body Website

Lab 1 Handout

Lab 2 Handout

Lab 3 Handout

Lab 4 Handout

Lab 5 Handout

Word Bank for practical 1

Lab 7 Handout

Lab 7 Readings for worksheet

Lab 7 worksheet answers

Writing assignment instructions

Lab 8 Handout

Cow eye dissection website

Lab 9 Handout

Lab 10 Handout

Life's greatest miracle

Lab 11 Handout

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP powerpoint

Lab 11: Cortland WWTP photo tour (large file may take a while to load)

Lab 12 Hanout

Lab 13 Handout

Practical 2 schedule

Open labs to review for practical will be 4/28-5/1 in Bowers 260

Monday 11-12 with Maureen Foley

Monday 12-2 with Lisa Gugerty

Monday 3-6 with Cathy Catranis

Wednesday 3-6 with Steve Campbell

Thursday 3-5 with Anna Spaulding

313 Bowers, x2911





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