FLTEACH Ancillaries
The materials on this page were developed to serve language teachers as part of the FLTEACH project. We hope that FLTEACH will also be used to foster a community in which colleagues at all levels can seek information, resolve problems, and share ideas, outlines, handouts and other teaching materials, syllabi, and bibliographies.
FLTEACH Subscriber Statistics
Current graphs of FLTEACH membership include subscribership, geographical distribution (US & worldwide), institutional levels, languages spoken. See how we have grown since Feb. 1994.Subscriber Biographies
The FLTEACH biography collection includes information submitted by FLTEACH subscribers including teaching level, languages, school name, location, specialization, interests, and current projects. The database can be searched by keyword but is not accessible through search engines such as Google.FLTEACH FAQs
A number of particularly useful messages from common discussion threads have been collected in our FLTEACH FAQs. These Frequently Asked Questions touch on important topics such as classroom discipline, oral participation, student teaching, advice to new teachers, accent marks, etc.
FLTEACH Facebook page
An FLTEACH Facebook group is managed by Polly Franklin. This is a great wat for FLTEACHers to share files. You can put the file (text, audio, video) here and then announce it on the list.
Here is the 2012 ACTFL photo. We also have photos of FLTEACHers at ACTFL meetings since 1995. Please help us put names with faces.Things to check out
Check out these additional materials that are related to FLTEACH in various ways. Some were developed by the moderators or by various FLTEACH subscribers.