
A few things to check out

These are additional FLTEACH related materials and locally developed FL sites.

-FL sites developed at SUNY Cortland
Here at SUNY Cortland we have been developing online materials for free use by our FL colleagues through our Languages Across the Curriculum project. 
- To help you get started using the Internet take a look at A Communications Technology Module for the Foreign Language Methods Course by Jean LeLoup. 
- For French civilization try out Civilisation française by Marie Ponterio. 
- To learn how to develop your own multimedia Web materials, check out our online materials course: Integrating Technology in the Second Language Classroom.
- If you are interested in statistics, see our Introduction to Statistics in Spanish with glossery in Spanish, English, and French.

-Online articles by the FLTEACH moderators
A number of articles by Jean W. LeLoup and Robert Ponterio about the Internet and use of electronic technologies in foreign language teaching are now available online.

-Online workshop materials by the FLTEACH moderators
Here are a few workshops that Jean W. LeLoup and Robert Ponterio have presented at conferences.

-On the Net
Language Learning & Technology a free online journal for second and foreign language educators since 1997. Check out "On the Net", a regular column written by Jean LeLoup & Bob Ponterio from 1997 until 2007. Complete archives are freely available online.

-FLTEACH subscriber pages
Web pages of many FLTEACH subscribers have been collected by Janel Brennan and by Bev Larson .

-Bill Heller's Participation Rubrics
Bill has set up participation rubrics for lower level and upper level classes.

