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                                  : : : Grants Section : : :

: : Professional Portfolio : :


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The following links provide information about my scholarship.

Grant Awards

The following is a listing of grants that I have been preparing and/or awarded.

External Grants

2010 United States Department of Education
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
Special Education Preservice Program Improvement Grant (CFDA 84.325T)
"Inclusion Matters: Partnering for Authentic Change in Teaching" (IM:PACT Project)
This external grant was accepted in September 2010 [$1,435,380/5 years].

2009 New York State Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change Proposal:
“New York Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change Research Grant”
This external grant proposal continues my previous work on this grant (listed below).
It was accepted in December 2009 [$24,492/yr.].
(Third renewal of HESC grant)

2008 New York State Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change Proposal:
“New York Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change Research Grant”
This external grant proposal continues my previous work on this grant (listed below).
It was accepted in September 2008 [$24,000/yr.].
(Second renewal of HESC grant)

2007 New York State Higher Education Support Center (HESC) for Systems Change Proposal:
“New York Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change Research Grant”
This external grant proposal was accepted in September 2007 [$22,000/yr.].

Internal Grants

2009 Nuala McGann Drescher Award Grant Application
Proposal title: "IMPACT2: Inclusive Models: Promoting Aligned Collaboration through Technology".
This grant application was accepted in February 2009.

Click here to view proposal

2008 SUNY Cortland and Cortland City School District Professional Development School (PDS) initiative
grant proposal: Unified Teaching and Learning Initiative (UTLI) [30,000 5/yrs.].
This proposal was accepted in April 2008.

Click here to view proposal

2008 Student Computing Access Program (SCAP) proposal: "Continued Use of
Handheld Technology in the Social Studies Classroom".
This proposal was accepted in January 2008.

2007 Online Course Development Grant proposal:
"Social Education in the Digital Age: Online Learning".
This proposal was accepted in March 2007.

2006 Student Computing Access Program (SCAP) proposal:
"Using Handheld Technology in the Social Studies Classroom".
This proposal was accepted in January 2007.

2006 Individual Development Awards Program proposal: "Facilitating Preservice Teachers’
Awareness and Understanding of Inclusive Elementary Education Practices".
This proposal was accepted in April 2006.

2006 Summer Research Fellowship proposal: "Exploring Elementary Teachers'
Preparedness for Teaching in Diverse Classrooms".
This proposal was accepted in March 2006.

2005-2006 Faculty Research Program proposal: "Understanding
Preservice Teachers' Perspectives about Diversity".
This proposal was accepted in March 2005.

Spring 2005 Infusing Ethics into the Classroom to facilitate students' discussions of moral issues.
Summer Institute grant proposal sponsored by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
at SUNY Cortland. This proposal was accepted in April 2005.

2005 Individual Development Awards Program proposal: "Learning About and
Gathering Resources for Teaching for Social Justice".
This proposal was accepted in April 2005.


  The great aim of education is not knowledge,
but action. -George Savile