EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in Elementary and Secondary Schools

State University of New York at Cortland

Week 2 January 30th Racquette Lake Outdoor Education Experience &
February 1st Windows Basics and Nvu Exploration

Week2 PPT Windows Basics

EDU314/602 Class goes to RL from Jan.29-31 Mon-Wed

SUNY Cortland Outdoor Education

Raquette Lake Trip Information in Word. You can get the same inforation (download the word file) from E4ST website webmatered by Dr. Kim Rombach:

Raquette Lake Experience Spring 2006

Photo Gallery No.1

Photo Gallery No.2

Photo Gallery No.3

Raquette Lake Experience Fall 2005

Photo Gallery No.4

Photo Gallery No.5

Raquette Lake Experience Spring 2007

Photo Gallery for Class EDU314-602

Photo Gallery for Class EDU314-602

Home Work for This Week: exploring Nvu, the web authoring tool

1. Visit Nvu Homepage: Understand what the heck Nvu is :-)

2. Open Nvu program and get familiar with Nvu by yourself or in pairs/groups. Nvu program is installed in all computers in Van Hoesen Hall C21 Computer Lab. To access Nvu from the lab computer, go to Start > All Programs > Nvu.

You can also download Nvu to your peronal computer. For free downloading of Nvu instructions, refer to Resources page.

3. More about Nvu: Web Design Using Nvu

Nvu FAQs

Learn how to build your website using Nvu

Nvu Tutorials

4. Each pair will do a 2-minute teaching of Nvu to the class. You will teach any feature that you've picked up from your own exploration. Make sure everyone in the class can follow you and be able to do what you teach them to do.

For Next Week

Understanding Web Design Basics