EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in Elementary and Secondary Schools

State University of New York at Cortland

Week 3 February 6th & 8th

Web Design: Basics and Sharpeners (PPT)

To do this week

1. Web Design Theories: read extensively about ePortfolio

This assignment asks you to read and think about the eportfolio concept. I would like you to think about this course as having a balance between thinking and doing, between learning about the portfolio concept--its history and change over time, various kinds and uses of portfolios, etc., and learning to make electronic portfolios (specifically web pages).

2. Web Design Guidelines and Aesthetic Considerations

Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. -- Einstein

Simplicity, Consistency & Color Schemes - Web design aesthetic considerations
Structure & Navigation - Web Design technical Considerations

3.Technical Skills to achieve Some of the Considerations

3.1. Navigation in web design

A good web site designer always trys to create a web site navigation scheme that (a) is consistent throughout the entire web site and (b) allows the site's visitors to find what they are searching for quickly and easily. Examples:

SUNY Cortland Website:

Dr. Susan Stratton's Design:

Dr.Rambach's Design:

Dr. Shufang Shi's Design:

EDU314 Fall05 Course Website Design (Horizontal Navigation Scheme)

EDU314 Fall06 Course Website Design (Vertical Navitation Scheme)

A Template Using Vertical Navigation

Learning to do a simple navigation scheme: horizonal navigation bar (we'll learn vertical navigation scheme later when we do webquest projects) (homepage; school)

3.2 Tables in web design

Tables are ubiquetious in web design. Table are used mainly for two purposes

1) For data display

Tables in EDU314 Fall 06 Syllabus

2 ) For Page layout

Kara Guidik's ePortfoilo

Allisa Brady's ePortfolio

Kristen Nuss's ePortfoilo

Learning to use tables

Click and download the step-by-step manual for using table skills. In PDF ; In WORD

3.3 More technical Skills

Horizontal bar

Link back to Home/Previous Page

Link to e-mail address" (or any other email address)
Note that there are no spaces in this. This is a really common mistake, so here goes again: there are no spaces in this.

Animated pictures and Cliparts: for fun :-)

AnimationLibrary, Which claims to be "The World's Largest Animation Collection"

Gifanimations , which claims to be the "Internet's original and largest collection of free animated GIFs"

And find your own website that you are download fun stuff!

Recommend other skills you want to learn and we'll do it together now!

4. Design Your Website

4.1 Do the minimum required

Design your own webfolio mainly including the required componets described in the Basic Requirements in the Syllabus. Always design the homepge using paper and pencil first and then realize the design in Netscape Composer.

4.2 Do as much as you can

If you want to design a website that you can add things easily later and keep updating after this class, you can use a navigation scheme, applying either Horizontal Navigation or Vertical Navigation. You need to be good at table Skills.


Prepare for the next class


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