Jorge Luis Romeu is a Master Mason, Initiated in January of 1969, and Raised in April of 1969, in Island Lodge No. 56, Havana, Cuba. These were difficult times to be a Mason, in socialist Cuba, especially for a young man.
In 1980 Romeu moved to the US. The social and economic conditions of an immigrant, plus the differences between Masonic Rituals and language, made it difficult for him to join an American Lodge. However, he kept links with individual Brethren and Masonic listserves.
After a long hiatus, where he remained unaffiliated, Romeu joined Lodge Jose Celso Barbosa No. 106, in Bayamon, San Juan, Puerto Rico, the land of his paternal family, where he regularly visited his brother and other family members. Romeu later joined Liverpool Syracuse Lodge No. 501, in the state of New York, where he resides and teaches. He is a Past Worshipful Master of Liverpool Lodge.
Romeu is a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason, with the Syracuse Valley, AASR/NMJ. He is Past Most Wise Master of its Rose Croix Body. He is also Mentoring Chair for the Onondaga Masonic District, where he oversees the NorthStar Mentoring Program.
Romeu researches the history of Freemasonry in the Spanish Antilles: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. For his published work, Romeu has been accepted into the following Research Lodges and academic organizations:
American Lodge of Research, NYC, and Western NY Lodge of Research, Buffalo, both of the Grand Lodge of New York (GLNY).
Jose G. Bloise No. 113 Research Lodge, San Juan, Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico (GLSPR).
The Correspondence Circle of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, London, Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).
Centro de Estudios Historicos de la Masoneria Espanola (CEHME), Zaragoza, Spain.
More personal & professional information in his Web Page.
Jorge Luis Romeu es Maestro Mason, iniciado en la Respetable Logia Estrada Palma de Marianao, La Habana, Cuba, en enero de 1969, y Exaltado en la Respetable Logia Island No. 56 de Marianao, en abril de 1969. Eran tiempos dificiles, especialmente para un hombre joven, el ser Mason en la Cuba socialista de Fidel Castro.
En 1980 Romeu se exilio en EEUU, donde sus condiciones economicas y sociales, como nuevo inmigrante, mas las diferencias de Ritual y Lengua, dificultaron su afiliacion a una Logia norteamericana. Sin embargo, Romeu mantuvo sus vinculos con masones, asi como participacion en listserves masonicos cubanos.
Tras un largo hiatus, Romeu se afilio a la Respetable Logia Jose Celso Barbosa de Bayamon, San Juan de Puerto Rico, la tierra de su abuelo paterno, a donde viajaba regularmente para visitar a su hermano y otros familiares.
Romeu tambien se afilio a la Respetable Logia Liverpool Syracuse No. 501, de la Gran Logia de Nueva York, ciudad donde reside y ensena en la universidad. En dicha Logia ha ocupado, entre otros, el cargo de Venerable Maestro.
Romeu pertenece al Rito Escoces Antiguo y Aceptado (REAA), Valle de Syracuse (AASR/NMJ), en el que detenta el Grado 32, y es Ex-Muy Sabio Maestro del Capitulo Rosa Cruz. Y en el Distrito Masonico de Onondaga, CNY, parte de la Gran Logia de NY. es Director de Mentoria.
Romeu investiga sobre historia de la Masoneria Autoctona en las Antillas Espanolas: Cuba, Puerto Rico y Republica Dominicana. Por sus trabajos de investigacion, Romeu ha sido aceptado como miembro de las siguientes Logias de Investigacion e instituciones academicas:
American Lodge of Research, NYC; Western NY Lodge of Research, Buffalo; ambas de la Gran Logia de Nueva York;
Resp. Log. de Investigacion Jose G. Bloise No. 113, San Juan, Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico (GLSPR);
The Correspondence Circle of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, Gran Logia de Inglaterra (UGLE), Londres UK.
Centro de Estudios Historicos de la Masoneria Espanola (CEHME), en Zaragoza, Espana.
Mas informacion en su Pagina Web.
ASCE/2010: La Masoneria Cubana y la Sociedad Civil. Proc. of the Assoc. for Study of Cuban Economy/ASCE. Vol. 20.
CUNY/Bildner: On Cuban Freemasons and Civil Society CUNY/Bildner Cuba Futures Conference Proceedings. March 2011. (PP. 171+)
CUNY/Bildner: Cuban Freemasons in the development of Civil Society. Paradigm Press: Bildner, Handbook on Contemporary Cuba.
ASCE/2011: Cuba 1945-2010: Vista a Traves de su Masoneria Regular. Proc. of the Asoc. for Study of Cuban Economy/ASCE. Vol. 21.
REHMLAC (2012): Estudio estadistico del auge y declive de la masoneria en Cuba: 1945-80. Vol. 3, Nº 2, Diciembre 2011-Abril 2012 (P. 158+).
UCLA/REHMLAC(2013): Characteristics & Challenges of Cuban Freemasons. REHMLAC Special Issue: UCLA & Grand Lodge of California (2013). pp. 138+.
ESTADISTICA (2011): Demographic study of Cuban Blue Lodge Masons. Vol. 63, No. 181, pp. 57-75. Also in Proc. of 2012 ASA/JSM
CEHME (2012): Estudio Demografico del Nuevo Auge de la GLC: 1980-2010. Simposio de Gibraltar: America y la Masoneria. V.1; 581--600.
REHMLAC 2014): Analisis estadistico de la logia Adelphia de Puerto Rico (1888-2011). REHMLAC, Vol. 6, Nº 1. Mayo - Dec. 2014. P. 34+.
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (2014): (AQC). Cuban Freemasons: Analysis of a Unique Niche. AQC Vol. 127 (2014). P. 217+.
CEHME (2015): Estudio Comparativo de las Masonerias Autoctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Simposio de Gijon: La Masonería Hispano-Lusa y Americana (1815-2015). V.II, 981--1006.
Congreso Universidad de Costa Rica (2016): "Analisis de la vision europea de las masonerias autoctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico", y publicado en REHMLAC, Mayo - Diciembre, 2018.
ESTADISTICA (2017). Statistics in Support of Masonic Historical Studies. Vol. 69-70, Nos.192-195, pp. 72--92; also published in Proc. of 2017 ASA/JSM; Social Statistics Section.
REHMLAC (2018): Reseña del libro Freemasonry: A Very Short Introduction por el Prof. Andreas Onnefors, para la Revista REHMLAC. Vol. 9, diciembre 2017 - mayo 2018.
REHMLAC (2018): Analisis de la vision de algunos europeos, sobre las masonerias autoctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Vol. 10, No. 1, mayo-noviembre 2018.
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (AQC). (2018): Autochthonous Freemasonry in the Spanish Antilles during the Second Half of the XIX Century. AQC V. 131, 327-352.
CEHME (2019): El Rol de la Politica en las Masonerias Autoctonas de las Antillas Espanolas. Simposio de Lisboa, Portugal: Mito e Historia. V.II, 719--737.
REHMLAC (2020): Fundacion de la Gran Logia Soberana de P.R. con la ayuda de la Gran Logia de Cuba. Vol. 12, julio - diciembre del 2020.
CEHME (2023): Un Acercamiento a la Revista ACACIA, de la GLSPR. Simposio de Ceuta: Dialogo de Culturas. En Prensa.
Caribbean Studies (2024): Sobre el Impacto Politico y Social de la Masoneria de las Antillas Espanolas; 52(1); (JAN-JUN 2024); 95--120.
El lector encontrara una lista completa de estos trabajos, con los respectivos enlaces (urls), y otra lista, con las referencias.
Revista LUMEN (2014): Percepcion de Historiadores Espanoles sobre las Masonerias Autoctonas. Logia de Investigacion J.G. Bloise, GLSPR. V.1.
Revista LUMEN (2015): Propuesta de Estudio Demografico Piloto para la GLSPR. Logia de Investigacion J.G. Bloise, GLSPR. V.2.
Revista LUMEN (2016): Masonerias Autoctonas de las Antillas Espanolas Durante el Siglo XIX. Logia de Investigacion J.G. Bloise, GLSPR. V.3.
Revista LUMEN (2020): Apuntes para el Estudio de las Masonerias Autoctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Logia de Investigacion J.G. Bloise, GLSPR. V.4; 14--52.
Estudio Demografico de la Masoneria Cubana: Reporte presentado a la Gran Logia de Cuba.
Essay: Purpose of the Masonic Fraternity Now and In the Future. Bedwell Memorial Competition:
A Survival (Statistical) Analysis Pilot Study about Membership Length of Time (years) to Demit.
CRI/FIU/Miami. Feb. 2010. Rol de la Masoneria Cubana en la Sociedad Civil.
III Simposio Int'l Inst. Historia de las Masonerias, UNAM/Mexico, Dec. 2010, Sociedad Civil y la Apertura; y reportado en ACACIA.
American Statistical Assoc. (ASA), 2011: A demographic study of Cuban Freemasons.
Unive. CA, Los Angeles (UCLA): 2011 Int’l Symposium on Latin American Freemasons.
Liverpool Syracuse Lodge, March 2012: About Cuban Freemasons.
Logia La Fraternidad, May 2013: Masoneria Cubana y Puertorriquena.
Semana Masonica de la GLSPR; Septiembre de 2016. Conferencia: Historia de la Masoneria en el Caribe.
Logia La Fraternidad, Abril de 2017: Programa Aniversario de su Fundacion.
SUNY Cortland, Sept. 2017: Sandwich Seminar on the 300th Anniversary of Modern Freemasonry.
Livingston Library; Grand Lodge of NY. May 2018: 300th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Grand Lodge of London, and its Powerpoint.
CRI/FIU/Miami. Feb. 2019. Masoneria autoctona y movimiento autonomista en Cuba y Puerto Rico: un proyecto conjunto durante el Siglo XIX.
Worshipful Masters Assoc. Oct. 2019. Survival Analysis Methods in the Study of Members Time to Demit
Livingston Library; Grand Lodge of NY. December 2019: An Overview of the History of Freemasonry in the Spanish Antilles, and its Powerpoint.
Conferencia: Historia de la Fundacion de la GLSPR con ayuda de la GLC. Impartida durante la Semana Masonica (Zoom: Sept. 2020) de la GLSPR;
PPT of the Liverpool-Syracuse Lodge and Zoom Presentation, of the topic:: Surveys and Interpretations.
Liverpool-Syracuse Lodge No. 501 Presentation, October 2022: Contrasting Rituals in York/Scottish Symbolic Lodges.
Western Lodge of Research Presentation, June 2024: "Overview of the History of Freemasonry in the Spanish Antilles", and Powerpoint.
Mentor article of April 2021 Overviewing the origins of the Autochtonous Freemasonry in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Mentor article of March 2024 Overviewing the History of Cuban Freemasonry in the Twentieth Century.
A collection of all Mentoring Corner monthly columns (2014 to present) published in The Word.
All Liverpool Lodge Master's Letters published in The Word.
All Rose Croix Chapter Master's Letters published in The Word.
Two Mentor articles that provide an overview of Freemasonry in Cuba: in the XIX Century and the XX Century.
"Mentor" articles, about Jan. 6th 2021 U.S. Capitol Riot: February 2021, March, April, and June.
"Mentor" articles describing our toxic divisions and New Projects to help diminish them: January 2022; February 2022; and March 2024.
"Mentor" articles with an interpretation of Freemasonry's Social Philosophy, October 2023; and social activities: August 2016, and September 2022.
"Mentor" articles discussing the importance of Masonic Journalism: October 2022; Media Coverage: June 2022; and Elections: December 2022.
"Mentor" articles discussing the organization of Lodge-Community Activities: September 2024; October 2024; and November 2024; December 2024.
The Current issue of The Word, with its article: "Mentor".
11/12/14 * El Mentor Masonico.
03/13/15 * Tres Caminos para la Masoneria. Tambien publicada en Masoneria Libertaria.
July of 2024 * Strengthening The Masonic Fraternity
July of 2022 * Diversity of Thought.
12/01/10 * Informe: Simposio sobre Masoneria del Instituto de Historia, UNAM.
03/01/11 * La Significativa Singularidad de la Masoneria
03/01/11 * Digresion sobre la Territorialidad
06/01/11 * Una Joya en el Desvan
03/01/12 * Masoneria y la Parabola de los Talentos
03/01/12 * La Masoneria como Espejo
03/01/12 * Funcion Social de la Masoneria
Analisis Estadistico Sobre Periodismo Masonico de The Word: Survey Form and Survey Results.
Trabajos del Prof. Miguel A. Pereira sobre el Periodismo Masonico.
Articulo del GM/GLSPR en CSJun/24 sobre Masoneria y Trabajo Social.
Trabajo sobre Periodismo Masonico del Prof. Enriquez del Arbol.
Trabajos sobre Periodismo Masonico del Prof. Juanjo Morales.
Masons interested in the NorthStar Program and its PPTs, contact me via my email address, below.
The NorthStar Program Masonic Compact.
ACACIA, the GLSPR masonic journal Statistics.
Livingston Library Reading Course Booklet and Video Visit.
Livingston Library Collection of Video Presentations.
Web Pages and Sources of Masonic Information.
The Grand Lodge of New York Leadership and Contact Info.
Practical Tips to Organize a One-Day Conference.
Organizado por el Hno. Aliosha Martinez []
Algunos estan en el Blog Masoneria Libertaria
La Significativa Excepcionalidad de la Masoneria.
Situacion de la masoneria cubana: carta abierta (Abril 2/2012)
Una joya en el Desvan - Julio 10/10.
La Masoneria y la Parabola de los Talentos
Masoneria como Espejo. La Colmena, 8 de junio del 2010.
Las Divisiones dentro de la Institucion:
Funcion social de la masoneria
La Trascendencia Ibero Americana del Cinco de Mayo
Hacia donde va la Masoneria Cubana?"
Informe Simposio UNAM s/Masoneria, revolucion e independencia
Digresion sobre la Territorialidad Masonica
La Masoneria, su definicion y sus fines
Manuel Romeu: Discurso en la Logia Verdad, Matanzas: About Freemasonry and Politics.
Manuel Romeu's Scottish Rite 18th Degree Documentation: Face and Information.
Letter of MW Ernesto Zamora, GM of the GLC, to the Cuban Government and Translation.
Letter of I&P Jose R. Viñas, SGC. of the Scottish Rite Supreme Countil, to the Cuban Government, and Translation.
Preston and Sommers Paper: "Searching for the Apple Tree".
Margaret Jacobs Book: "Living the Enlightment".
John Belton's Paper: "Masonic Myths Debunked".
Christopher Powell's Paper: "Ancient Masonry and the Catholic Church".
Prof. Jose O. Diaz's Papers: "From Sacred Spaces to Political Arenas", and "Notes on Teaching The Craft".
Biblioteca de la Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico: GLSPR.
Jorge Luis Romeu, is an International Educator and Researcher. He is currently semi-retired as SUNY Faculty, and teaches Statistics and Operations Research as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Syracuse University. He is a member of the Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialist Roster.
For fourteen years Romeu was an Associate Professor with the Department of Mathematics of SUNY Cortland, retiring Emeritus in 1998. Romeu was for twelve years a Senior Engineer with IIT Research Institute, working for the Reliability Analysis Center/RAC. Romeu was for sixteen years (2003-2019) a Research Professor with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Syracuse University. He is a Chartered Statistician Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, a Senior Member of the American Society for Quality, with certifications in reliability and quality, and a life member of the American Statistical Association.
As an International Educator, Romeu created and directs the Juarez-Lincoln-Marti International Education Project. He worked as Senior Fulbright Professor in Mexico (ITAM), in 1994, as Fundayacucho Scholar in Venezuela (1998), as Senior Fulbright Speaker Specialist in Mexico (Puebla, 2000 and Xalapa, 2003), in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (2004), in Quito, Ecuador (2007), and in 2020, an assignment in Cucuta, Colombia (cancelled due to Covid). In addition, he has taught many international faculty development workshops through the JLM Project.
Romeu's work in Education stems from his commitment to Freemasonry, as defined in the Constitutions of the Grand Lodges of Cuba, D.R., and Puerto Rico:
"La Masoneria es la Institucion Organica de la Moralidad. Su fin es disipar la ignorancia, combatir el vicio e inspirar el amor a la humanidad. Son sus principios la Moral Universal y la Ley Natural; reconoce un Ser Supremo; no admite mas diferencia entre los hombres que el merito o demerito; y no da cabida a debates de religion ni de politica."
You can read his vision, in English, in his Masonic Renewal Committee Bedwell Memorial Essay titled: What is the Purpose of the Masonic Fraternity, Now and In the Future?If you want to contact us, or send us a comment
Please use: email: .
Or write to: 201 Rugby Rd, Syracuse, NY 13203
A Farewell Poem (in Spanish).
Thank-you for your visit!
Updated: December, 2024.