Juarez-Lincoln-Marti International Ed. Project

Summary and Objectives:


The Juarez-Lincoln-Marti (JLM) International Education Project (which, for its educational goals could have also been named Sierra-Dewey-Luz Caballero ) has been, for XXX years, completely dedicated to providing international education programs that enhance Iberoamerican faculty development opportunities and exchanges. Some of these programs include:

All these Projects and Programs are explained in detail further down in this document.


El Proyecto Juarez-Lincoln-Marti, que por sus objetivos educacionales podria haberse llamado Sierra-Dewey-Luz Caballero ha estado, durante XXX anos, completamente dedicado a proveer programas y oportunidades para mejorar la Educacion en Iberoamerica. Encontraran Reminisencias de sus veinte anos de intenso trabajo en estas paginas.

Para lograr sus objetivos, el Proyecto ha desarrollado, a traves del tiempo, los siguientes programas:

Estos proyectos y programas estan descritos en detalle, en el resto de este documento.

Informacion Basica sobre la Pandemia del Coronavarus (COVID-19):

Sitios de Informacion sobre Coronavirus en la Red:

Boletines Electronicos Enviados:

Incluimos a continuacion una lista de Boletines Electronicos Trimestrales del Proyecto JLM, enviados desde Enero del 2010.

Tambien, el mas reciente Boletin Electronico del Instituto Inter-Americano de Estadistica IASI.

Fulbright Speaker Specialist y Pagina Tecnica del Instituto de Estadistica:

El Director del Proyecto JLM, Dr. Jorge L. Romeu, es un Educador cubano, miembro del Fulbright Speakers Specialist Roster, a traves del cual ha dado multiples cursos y talleres en la Universidad Veracruzana, la UNERG de Venezuela, UDLA-P, Puebla, Mexico, Universidad Catolica de Sto. Domingo, Rep. Dominicana, y el Instituto Politecnico de Quito, Ecuador. Estos cursos y talleres son sufragados por la organizacion Fulbright. Las instituciones interesadas en la participacion del Dr. Romeu en cursos de su Especialidad pueden contactar a la Fulbright, al Attache Cultural de la Embajada de EEUU, o al Dr. Romeu directamente, enviandole un email: matresearch@cortland.edu

The Juarez Lincoln Marti Project Director, Dr. Jorge L. Romeu, is a Cuban Educator, member of the Fulbright Speakers Specialist Roster, through which he has taught courses in several universities, including Veracruzana, Mexico, UNERG University, in Venezuela, UDLA-P, Puebla, Mexico, Universidad Catolica, Dominican Republic, and Instituto Politecnico, Ecuador. Such courses and workshops are subsidized by the Fulbright organization Those instituciones interested in having Dr. Romeu for up to six weeks, teaching one of its courses can contact either the Fulbright Roster, the US Cultural Attache, or him directly, via his email: matresearch@cortland.edu

Material Didactico de Libre Uso en Espanol:


El Proyecto JLM mantiene una pagina internet bilingue con materiales de estadistica aplicada e ingenieria de la calidad, con aplicaciones industriales: INSTITUTO DE ESTADISTICA APLICADA Y MEJORA CONTINUA (IEAMC). Los materiales tecnicos de dicho Instituto, que puede accederse a traves del Link: IEAMC , estan descritos en detalle en un reciente documento . Las importantes razones para la creacion de tal Instituto, asi como la forma de operarlos, y algunas consecuencias, son discutidas en una ponencia del Simposio FTC.

The JLM Project has inaugurated a bilingual Web Page, with applied statistics and quality engineering materials: the Quality, Reliability and Continuous Improvement Institute (QR&CII), that can be accessed in the QR&CII The materials included in the Institute Web Page are detailed in the following document . The reasons for creating such applied statistics Institutes, their operation modes, and some important consequences are found in an FTC paper.

El Dr. Arturo Ruiz-Falco, profesor y consultor en Madrid, Espana, ha facilitado al Proyecto JLM varios materiales, utilizados en sus curso de estadistica industrial (education materials facilitated by Prof. Arturo Ruiz-Falco): Control Estadistico de Procesos; Diseno de Experimentos DOE; Costes de Calidad COPQ; Introduccion al SeisSigma; Quality Function Deployment QFD; Analisis de Varianza ANOVA-I; Herramientas para Calidad; Comparacion de dos Muestras Student t; Muestreos de Aceptacion;

El Prof. Jorge Luis Romeu, de la Universidad de Syracuse, tambien ha facilitado materiales de sus cursos de estadistica industrial (education materials by Prof. Romeu): Syllabus del curso de Diseno de Experimentos; Syllabus del curso de Simulacion; Syllabus del Seminario Profesional de Simulacion; Algunos problemas de la educacion estadistica en cursos de Ingenieria Colloquium; y Formacion de Profesionales Internacionales IberoAmericanos

El Dr. Jorge Luis Romeu ha facilitado, EN INGLES, veintidos tutoriales para un curso avanzado de estadistica industrial; dos tutoriales: uno sobre analisis secuencial y otro sobre la determinacion de los tamanos de muestra adecuados, asi como el diseno de un curso completo de estadistica industrial, utilizando metodos de simulacion

El Prof. Javier Gomez-Martinez ha facilitado el Diccionario Abreviado de Matematicas de Oxford

El Dr. Ron Kenett, de KPA Ltd. y Samuel Neaman Institute, Israel, ha facilitado el articulo "Election Polls: a Survey, Critique and Proposals", que analiza los surveyes politicos.

Sometemos un cuestionario sobre la utilidad que Ud. encuentra en nuestra pagina web tecnica IEAMC. Agradeceremos que lo llene y mande, a nuestra direccion email: matresearch@cortland.edu.


El Proyecto Juarez Lincoln Marti tiene, como uno de sus objetivos principales, el incentivar el desarrollo de proyectos conjuntos iberoamericanos, de beneficio general. En particular, a traves de los anos hemos impulsando los tres siguientes proyectos:

PROYECTO PARA AYUDAR A MEJORAR LA EDUCACION ESTADISTICA APLICADA Y LA FUNCION DEL MAESTRO. Entre Octubre del 2011 y Junio del 2012, trabajamos en la oficina de Investigacion de la Facultad (Sponsored Research) del SUNY Institute of Technology, desde donde desarrollamos planes, utiles para ayudar a nuestras instituciones a desarrollar mas ampliamente su investigacion, ademas de desarrollar otros temas de pedagogia general y estadistica, de evaluacion de alumnos y de creacion de programas que atraigan mas estudiantes a carreras de ciencias e ingenieria.

PROYECTO PARA DESARROLLAR MAS PUBLICACIONES DE ESTADISTICA APLICADA EN ESPANOL. RCE, la Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, publico sobre este tema, en el verano de 2011, un numero Especial. Su pagina en red esta en Internet. La revista Trimestral de IASI, el Instituto Inter Americano de Estadistica, tambien publica articulos en Espanol e ingles sobre aplicaciones estadisticas. La revista de SOCHE, la Sociedad Chilena de Estadistica, tambien ha publicado excelentes articulos sobre aplicaciones y educacion estadisticia, en ingles, que pueden encontrar en su pagina del Internet. La revista internet Hipotesis Alternativa, boletin de IASE para America Latina, tambien publica articulos en espanol sobre Educacion Estadistica. Hipotesis resume trabajos de la revista SERJ, Statistics Education Research Journal. Su pagina internet es: Hipotesis y su revista puede leerse en Alternativa.

PROYECTO PARA ORGANIZAR UN INSTITUTO PASI/NSF SOBRE MODELACION ESTADISTICA DE PROBLEMAS ECOLOGICOS. En el 2009 se organizo un grupo de interes, que comenzo trabajos exploratorios para someter una propuesta de INSTITUTO PASI al NSF. Tras varios intercambios, el grupo reconocio que no existen todavia condiciones objetivas para someter una propuesta ganadora y que habia que comenzar por crearlas. Dichas condiciones previas incluyen la promocion y creacion de mas publicaciones de estadistica aplicada, para incentivar una mayor produccion de trabajos aplicados, sobre todo a la industria, economia y ecologia, para asi incrementar el numero de profesionales y alumnos interesados en utilizar la estadistica para resolver problemas practicos socioeconomicos. Este proyecto empalma con el que sigue abajo.

PROYECTO PARA ORGANIZAR INSTITUTOS DE ESTADISTICA APLICADA INDUSTRIA-UNIVERSIDAD para contribuir al desarrollo economico de la region. Utilizando previas experiencias en el estudio de tales problemas, de propuestas sometidas al NSF, y otras organizaciones que han acogido con interes esta idea, asi como a organizaciones profesionales. Hemos creado una nueva pagina en la red, el INSTITUTO DE ESTADISTICA APLICADA Y MEJORA CONTINUA (IEAMC), que puede accederse en IEAMC. Las razones para la creacion de tales Institutos, asi como ejemplos de sus trabajos y organizacion, se encuentran en un articulo academico. Cualquier colaboracion es bienvenida y sera reconocida como contribucion de sus autor(es).


The JLM Project has advertised for book donations in the Amstat News, the monthly magazine of the American Statistical Association. A number of colleague statisticians have generously offered to Donate books to Latin American Institutions. The complete list of donors and the material they are offering is included in the attached Book Donors List .

List of Workshops Taught/Lista de Talleres Impartidos

The JLM Project has offered many workshops and courses/El Proyecto JLM ha ofrecido muchos talleres y cursos, en los paises en que ha trabajado:

Some areas include/Algunas areas incluyen: (1) new technology Infusion and its Applications ; (2) pedagogical and methodological innovations in mathematics and science education ; (3) Simulation modeling, as educational , or (4) simulation as an Operations Research analysis tool; (4) reliability modeling and analysis ; (5) design of experiments DOE ; (6) deterministic and/or stochastic Operations Research methods ; (7) probability and statistics ; (8) industrial statistics applications ; (9) industrial quality and productivity engineering and (10) organization of academic statistical consulting institutions . The teaching experiences of the Project Director are summarized in a Paper presented at Universidad Veracruzana, Jalapa, Ver, MX, (in Spanish) during an Education Colloquium ; (11) Workshop on Course Evaluation Strategies presented at ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador (in Spanish) Rubrics, and (12) Data Analysis using Minitab statistical software; and (13) UV International Workshop on Statistical Education and its Methods.

The above courses are based in the 30 years of research, teaching, consulting and practical experiences of the Project Director, and his extensive writings in applied industrial statistics. The pedagody used and course objectives are discussed in ISI-2001 .


Teaching in different provincial cities, we confirmed the needs of some of the local population. The JLM Project then included additional activities such as the collection of toys, clothes and school materials for Latin American children, among LaFayette High School students and others in our Headquarters in Syracuse NY. As a result, the JLM Project has provided clothing after the Puebla earthquate in 2000 and Veracruz floodings of 2002; toys, clothes, and school supplies for children with AIDS in the Dominican Republic, as well as for Quechua children in Andean schools in Cayambe, Ecuador, and in the Guerrero Sierra, in Mexico, among other places.

JLM Project International Scope/Desarrollo Internacional

The Juarez Lincoln Marti Project concentrated initially, on Mexico. However, the Project Director has been involved in many International Education activities and with several working groups in Iberoamerica. Starting in 1995, Romeu taught, various workshops on the use of statistics and simulation software, learning groups, technology infusion and contextual projects in statistical education, at two campuses of the University of Galicia, and at two of the University of the Basque Country. In addition, other Iberoamerican countries have been served by the Project, including Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

In 1997, the Project started a faculty development program at Romulo Gallegos University, UNERG , in the Orinoco plains, Venezuela, where it developed an innovative faculty apprenticeship model. The UNERG project was sponsored by Fundayacucho, the Venezuelan government educational agency, as well as by the World Bank.

Project Philosophy and Goals/Filosofia y Objetivos

The Juarez-Lincoln-Marti Project feels a great pride for its long history of providing professional and academic development in Iberoamerica. It strives to build a better US-Ibero American understanding and to help forge stronger working relations between Ibero American and North American higher education, academic, and research communities, as well as between its peoples. With this objective, The Project has instituted an Annual Award, to recognize an Iberoamerican educator for his or her work in our midst.

The JLM Project also strives to promote and to help develop Ibero American International Professionals that may help consolidate such stronger links between peoples of different nations and cultures, especially within our own Region. Please help us improve our work by filling and emailing us the following Survey.

The reasons for all these efforts are described in a series of Spanish and English language newspaper articles, written during our frequent stages abroad, and published in journals of the US, Mexico and Spain.

Project Origins/Inicios del Proyecto

The Juarez-Lincoln-Marti Project was created in 1994, as the SUNY-Mexico Exchange Project. Under this first name it functioned between 1994 and 1998 when its Director, Dr. Jorge Luis Romeu, took early retirement from SUNY. After 1998, the Juarez-Lincoln-Marti Project adopted its more appropriate present name, created this Web Page, found new sources of funding to support its scholarship programs, as well as for starting new programs in education. A PPT Presentation on the JLM Project Achievements, was given in 2013 at the Headquarters of Fulbright

Faculty Scholarships and Textbook Donation Programs/Becas y Donacion de Libros

Since its inception in 1994, the Project established contacts with many Mexican universities and research centers, travelled to Mexico carrying scores of donated mathematics and science textbooks, software and other teaching materials, sent by mail scores of textbooks to universities in Latin America and Spain, maintained two email information lists, sending monthly bulletins for Academics and researchers, and found full scholarships that have brought 18 Mexican faculty to participate in several SUNY/FACT Conferences for Instructional Technology (CIT). You can read the Abstract of one of our CIT Panels, presented by the Juarez Project Scholars that attended one of these Conferences .

Faculty Development Program/Programas de Desarrollo Academico

In the Spring of 2000, JLM Project Director obtained a Grant from the US Department of State, to deliver some faculty development workshops at Universidad de las Americas, UDLA, Puebla, in Mexico among other institutions. With the proceeds of this grant, the Juarez-Lincoln-Marti Project taught two other workshops on Technology in Education and launched a new program to provide additional faculty development workshops to other Iberoamerican public and provincial institutions. In 2001, the Project Director was accepted into the Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialist Program, through which he has given longer workshops and courses (four and six weeks) in universities in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. With the proceeds of these grants, the Project has partially underwritten courses and workshops in other institutions.

Projects in Cyberspace/Proyectos via Internet

The Project has also worked on international education via the Internet. With a group of four American and Latin American educators, he participated in the complete development of an Operations Research masters level curriculum for the Universidad del Comahue, in Neuquen, Argentina. Through the Internet the Juarez Lincoln Marti Project strives to continue its international education work in Spain, Mexico, Dominican Rep., Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and other countries.


Educational and environmental research information is periodically circulated via electronic bulletins sent through our email lists. The Project also disseminates information about technology, job opportunities, and web resources of interest such as the Portal ERIC .

Information about Prof. Romeu's involvement in Ecological Research is available in his list of Papers, and about the Great Lakes Research Consortium, in: GLRC.

About the Project Director/Sobre el Director

Dr. Jorge Luis Romeu, the Juarez-Lincoln-Marti Project Director, is an Academic, a Researcher and an International Educator. Romeu is a participant of both, the Fulbright Scholar, and the Fulbright Speaker Specialist Programs. As a Fulbright grantee he has received Senior Speaker Specialist assignments in Mexico (1994, 2000, 2003), the Dominican Republic (2004, June and December), Ecuador (2007) and Colombia (2020, cancelled for Covid).

For fourteen years, Romeu was a tenured, Associate Professor at SUNY Cortland, where he taught graduate and undergraduate mathematics, statistics and computer science courses, and was a Member of SUNY Cortland Graduate Faculty. For his work in education, for his scholarly research, for his publications and editorial work, Romeu received multiple awards and honors, and was inducted in the Gallery of Distinguished Cuban American Educators.

In December of 1998, Romeu took early retirement from SUNY, becoming an Emeritus Associate Professor. He returned to IITRI/RAC, and to research in applied statistics. At the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC), Romeu wrote many tutorials, technical papers, and taught many short courses.

In addition Romeu was, for sixteen years (2003 to 2019), a Research Professor at Syracuse University. As such, he submitted multiple research proposals to NSF and other agencies, receiving several assignments from the Rome NY Air Force Laboratory, to perform research in HW/SW Reliability, and in Design of Experiments. Romeu also taught SU graduate courses in industrial statistics and quality engineering. After retiring as Research Professor, Romeu continued teaching as an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at SU.

Romeu worked (2011-12) as a Senior Research Specialist with the Sponsored Research Office of SUNY Polytechnic Institute, formerly SUNY Institute of Technology, in Utica NY. There he also taught (2012-17), as Adjunct Professor, senior and graduate courses in Optimization Models.

Romeu is also very active in professional societies, especially in the American Statistical Association and in the American Society for Quality, where he is past Director of Region II (Upstate Pennsylvania and New York).

Romeu's academic interests (applied statistics and statistics education) are the subject of many research publications. international presentations, and Journalism. His peer-reviewed papers have been recognized with several technical Awards.

Romeu holds MS and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Syracuse University (1990), and a "Licenciado en Matematicas" degree from the University of Havana, Cuba (1973).

Romeu has lectured frequently abroad, publishing many articles about science education. He has also organized several panels on international education, and has written, published and presented many papers and research proposals on different aspects of statistics, technology infusion, assessment and administration of courses, and international education.

More recent papers, applying statistics to science and engineering, and to Covid-19 problems, with the web Hits of readers, can be found in his ResearchGate Page,

Romeu is a Cuban ex-patriate, actively involved in journalism and Cuban affairs. You can find, in said Web Page, a selection of his newspaper articles on Cuba, and appreciate Romeu's opinion about the future of Post Castro Cuba.

Romeu's values, ideology and thinking have been influenced by an ancient Institution in which he is actively involved. Said influence has spurred Romeu's work in promoting, developing and improving Education, as a tool for achieving social mobility, as well as improving Civil Society through greater citizen participation.

Contacting Us:

If you want to send us a message or a comment, or if you have an idea about how to enhance or help our JLM Int'l Ed. Project, please email us to: matresearch@cortland.edu

You can also write us to: Dept. Mech. & Aerosp. Eng., 263 Link Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY 13224/USA.

This Cuban Poem (in Spanish) encapsulates Romeu's life philosophy.

Thank-you for your visit!

Updated: Febrero del 2025.