Jorge Luis Romeu; Educator 
Jorge Luis Romeu
is a Cuban ex-patriate,
an Academic, a Researcher, a Consultant and an International
Romeu has been a member of the Fulbright Speakers
Roster since the year 2000,
where he has worked as a Senior Speaker Specialist. He earned a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and
Operations Research from Syracuse University (1990), and a "Licenciado en Matematicas, Especialista
en Estadistica"; degree from the University of Havana, Cuba (1973).
Romeu has fifty years of experience in Operations Research, Statistical
Modeling and Data Analysis,
Quality, Reliability and Continuous Improvement. Romeu is an Adjunct (Part Time) Professor, with a long
trajectory in the Dept. of Mechanical
and Aerospace Eng., Syracuse University,
where he teaches graduate Industrial Statistics and Quality Engineering courses. He was, for 16 years
(2003-2019), a Research Professor at SU, where he wrote proposals for NSF and other
government agencies, winning an Air Force Lab research award in 2008-2009. He was also a CASE Center
Fellow. Read a summary of his
research activities in his ResearchGate
or in his LinkedIn pages.
Romeu was (1985-1998) an Associate Professor with the Department of Mathematics, at
SUNY-Cortland, and a Member of its Graduate Faculty. During his tenure at SUNY Cortland,
Romeu earned the prestigeous Nuala McGann Drescher Award (one year of leave at full pay to do research),
and a Fulbright Award in Mexico.
He retired Emeritus
after fourteen years of teaching
statistics, mathematics and computers.
Before and after becoming a faculty at SUNY Cortland, Romeu was a a Senior Research Engineer
(1982-1985 and 1998-2003) for IITRI,
the Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute , and its
successor, Alion Sciences and Technology (2003-2007). At IITRI/Alion, he worked as a
senior researcher and statistician for the Reliability Analysis Center
the Data and Analysis Center for Software (DACS), and the Advanced Materials Analysis Center (AMPTIAC),
at the IITRI Campus in Rome NY.
These three IAC Centers were successively operated under various organizations, that
kept the same technical personnel. It was at the RAC, the DACS, and the AMPTIAC, that Romeu
honed his quality and reliability expertise, writing many technical papers and tutorials,
and teaching technical courses.
Several years ago, said IACs were discontinued, and their reports are currently consolidated
into DSIAC. Their publications can now be found
in the DSIAC data base.
During the 2011-2012 academic year, Romeu worked as a Research
Specialist, for the Office of
Sponsored Research at SUNY
Institute of Technology, (currently SUNY Polytechnic) in Utica, NY. After completing this assignment,
Romeu continued at SUNYIT for six years (2012-17), teaching part time senior and graduate Operations
Management (Linear Programming and Optimization) courses, for the Business Department.
Romeu is also a quality, reliability, and industrial statistics Independent
Consultant. He regularly
teaches international seminars in Spanish in New York City, for visiting Latin American professionals,
and has presented many ASQ Webinars on continuous improvement. Romeu was a Senior Science Advisor
(2007-2013) with Quanterion Solutions (QSI), a consulting organization that operated the RIAC/RAC.
Romeu has authored an applied statistics book, several statistics chapters in other books,
and several dozen statistics articles and web tutorials. He has also created and
maintains the Quality, Reliability and Continuous Improvement Institute
(QR&CII) a Web Site that
provides free industrial statistics, reliability and quality engineering information and tutorials.
Romeu is a Chartered Statistician Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), a Senior Member of
the American Society for Quality (ASQ), a Past Director for ASQ Region II (Upstate PA & NY), and holds ASQ
Certifications in Quality
and Reliability. He is Past Chair of the North East Quality Council (NEQC), a senior member of the
American Statistical Association (ASA), and of the
Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI). Romeu has served as Guest Editor for several
special issues of statistical journals, and has created, and Chaired, the ASQ CNY Annual
Quality Conference.
As an International Educator, Romeu created and directs (1994 - Present) the
Juarez-Lincoln-Marti International Education
Project (JLM) for Ibero-America. As a Fulbright Scholar and Senior Speaker Specialist, Romeu
has conducted assignments in Mexico (1994, 2000 and 2003); the Dominican Republic (twice in 2004),
and Ecuador (2006). He was scheduled for an assignment in Colombia, in 2021, that was cancelled due
to Covid. Romeu was also a Fundayacucho Consultant (1998), teaching faculty workshops at UNERG
University, in San Juan de los Morros, Venezuela. He has over twenty years as a grantee of the
Fulbright Program.
For his teaaching and research, Romeu has been included among the Prominent Cubans in
Romeu has served in the ASA and NACAE Human Rights committees and shares the
philosophy of an ancient Institution, where he has been very
Find detailed information about Romeu's work on specific areas of interest and experience: a
list of Romeu's newspaper articles,
a list of Romeu's Educational and Technical International
Presentations, and
read about his work in: Human Rights.
Read a selection of Romeu's applied industrial statistics research
Publications; for other academic activities,
see: Editing and Refereeing. You can read
his acctivities in the Summary;
or visit specialized Pages on JOURNALISM and CUBA;
Read Romeu's Curriculum Vita,
a selection of his most read research papers, with their ResearchGate and LinkedIn
Hits, and a
Web-based Summary
of his Professional trajectory.
A Detailed List of Romeu's professional, teaching and research activities, follows:
- Information Regarding SUNY
- Information Regarding Syracuse
- Adjunct
Professor of
Industrial Statistics, O.R. and Quality Engineering.
- Main Web Publications,
Presentations and Research Activities in Statistics Education:
- Romeu’s RAC Web
Tutorials on reliability statistics and other materials .
Teaching Engineering Statistics with Simulation IoS/RSS-1986
- Romeu’s
MINITAB and Pizza: a workshop experiment
- How Engineers
Learn Stats on their Own, After Leaving College Icots-6
- Survey on
Statistics Education of Practicing Engineers; On-Going Data Form
- Analysis of a Survey
on How Engineers Learn Stats After Leaving
- Enhancing the Statistics
Education of Practicing Engineers FTC-2007
- Classroom Administration
Techniques in Technology Infusion
Description of the ECS526 Industrial Statistics Course JETS Paper
- Coloquio de Estadistica Universidad
Veracruzana 2005 Xalapa, Ver.
NEQC 2018 Paper: Teaching New Quality Engineering Applications to Young
- Selected Professional Accomplishments, Honors and Awards
- Main Web Publications,
Presentations and Research Activities in Applied/Industrial Statistics:
- Comparative Study of GOF
Tests for Multivariate Normality: My Ph.D. Dissertation
- Operations Research and
Statistics Techniques: Key to Quantitative Data Mining
- Design and Evaluation
of Aquatic Ecosystems Via DOE and Simulation
- DOE in Environmental
Research; presented at
- Understanding
Logistics in Systems Analysis (p. 11--13 SPES/QP
- A discussion on
Software Reliability Modeling Problems RAC Journal
- Measuring Cost Avoidance
with Messy Data (NonParametric)
- A Socio-Political Application of Six Sigma toward a
Cuban Transition
- QSI Description of my Short Course on
Lean and Six Sigma
- Estimating Sample Size in Rel. Q&P/SPES Newsletter
Summer 2011
- Numero Especial Estadistica Industrial;
Revista Colombiana de
- UPEC: Colaborador Destacado de la Revista de
Ingenieria Civil.
- Main Web Publications,
Proposals, Presentations, and Research about creating an Applied Stats Institute:
- Instituto de Estadistica Aplicada y Mejora Continua (in Spanish)
- Paper Presented to ASA/JSM 2022: A Year of Statistical
Covid Research.
- Paper Presented to ASA/JSM 2022: A Free Access Applied Statistics
Web Page.
- RIAC Article: On the Statistics Education of
American Engineers
- Summary of a Proposal
for a Quality and Reliability, Government/Academe Institute
PPT Presentation on an Institute for Manufacturing Efficienty Improvement
- Engineering Professional
Organizations and Learning Statistics After College
- Proposal to CNY ASQ
Sections for a Quality and Reliability Institute
- QR&CII Tutorial on the
Determination of the Experimental Sample Size
- Some Research Ideas for Primarily Undergraduate
- SUNY Poly: PPT Presentation on NSF Grant Submission
- Powerpoint Presentation on Planning a Good
- Main Web Publications,
Presentations and Research Activities in Socio-Economic Problems:
Statistical Thinking and Human Rights; Chapter 5 of ASA.HR Book
- The Spanish Caribbean
and its Influence on a Transition in Cuba
- The Spanish Caribbean and its Influence in
the Transition Bildner-06
- El Caribe Hispano y su Influencia en una Transicion
- En El Quinto Centenario del Viaje de Colon a
- Jorge Manach y Manuel Gomez Morin: Estudio
Comparativo y sus
- Political Exile; in Andrea O. Herrera's collection
ReMembering Cuba.
- A Six Sigma Analysis of a Cuban Transition
ASCE 2007
- Design for Six Sigma in the Analysis of a Cuban
Transition ASCE 2008
- Transiciones Relevantes;
Ensenanzas para Cuba
- Political Intolerance in Cuba: To Hell in a
Hand Basket ASCE 2012
- Narracion Inedita (2010): Almendares, el Barrio de
Mi Ninez.
- Articulo en el Diario Excelsior: La Dulce Tristeza de ser
- Cuento Inedito sobre Villa Marista (2020):
La Sonrisa.
- Cuento Inedito sobre Embajada de Peru (1985):
- Caribbean Studies: Analisis de la Literatura de la
Sociedad Civil Cubana,
y en Muse
- Caribbean Studies: On Political Intolerance and Cuba's
y en el Projecto Muse
- Post Standard: On Fidel Castro's Death and
- Post Standard: How to Read and Interpret
Polls and Surveys
- Post Standard: Columbus and 500th Anniversary
Discovery of America.
- Post Standard, 1992: A Multirracial Society in the
Cuban Model.
- TheWord "Mentor" article about the Jan. 6/2021 US Capitol Bdg.
- Wall Street Journal Letter: Cubans did not want
- Main ResearchGate Publications,
and Research Activities related to the Covid-19 Pandemic:
- Main Web Publications,
Presentations and Research Activities in International Education:
- The Juarez-Lincoln-Marti
International Education Project ISI-2003
- PPT describiendo el Proyecto Juarez Lincoln Marti en
- Impacto Social del Proyecto JLM en Iberoamerica
Valencia 2009
- Programas de Solidaridad y Entrenamiento del Proyecto JLM
- An alternative meaning for the faculty development
- Scientists, Universities, Professional Associations & HR
- Articulo "Instituto de Estadistica Aplicada" Presentado al Congreso CIVEEST:
- Work with BCC/SUNY International Student
- Metodos Para Ensenar y Fomentar la Estadistica
- Main Web Publications,
Presentations and Research Activities on Cuban Freemasons:
- Rol de la Masoneria Cubana en la Sociedad
Civil CRI.FIU-2010
- ASCE-2010: La Masoneria Cubana en la
Sociedad Civil
- ASCE-2010: La Masoneria Cubana en la Sociedad
- PPT Masoneria Cubana Actual, Sociedad Civil
y Apertura
- Reporte: Simposio s/Masoneria y Revolucion: Mexico 2010
- CUNY/Bildner Ctr Special
Volume On Cuban Freemasons
and Civil Society
- CUNY/Bildner Handbook: Cuban Freemasons
in the Development of
Civil Society
- CUNY/Bildner Symp: PPT of Cuban
Freemasons in the Development of
Civil Society
- Estudio Estadistico del Auge y Declive
de la GLC: 1945-1980
- Programa del XIII Simposio Internacional CEHME (2012) de
- Estudio Estadistico del Auge y Declive
de la GLC: 1980-2010
- Estudio Comparativo de las Masonerias Autoctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico
- Visión Europea de las Masonerías Autóctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico:
Univ. Costa Rica.
- IASI/Estadistica: Demographic Study of Cuban Blue Lodge Masons:
Technical Discussion
- Revista IASI: Statistics in Support of Masonic Historical
- ASCE 2011: Cuba 1945-2008 vista a traves de
su masoneria regular
- ASA/JSM 2011 Paper: Technical
Discussion of the Demographic Study of the
- UCLA Dec/2011 Conference Program: Freemasons in
Latin America
- UCLA Conference PPT Presentation: Freemasons in
Latin America
- UCLA-REHMLAC Conference Paper: Challenges of Cuban
- Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: Analysis of a Unique Niche and On European Historians.
- AQC Paper on Cuban Freemasons: Analysis of
a Unique Niche As Published
- UCLA-REHMLAC-Amer. Lodge of Research: Challenges and Functions
- Analisis Estadistico de la Logia Adelphia: 1888 v. 2012
- ASA/JSM 2017: Statistics in Support of Masonic
Historical Studies.
- REHMLAC 2020: Fundacion de la GLSPR con la ayuda de la
- CEHME 2018: Rol de la Politica en las Masonerias Autoctonas
de las Antillas Espanolas.
- Ponencia de M.E. Romeu en la RL Verdad, en 1928, sobre
Politica y Masoneria,
- Caribbean Studies: Impacto Politico y Social de la Masoneria de las
Antillas Espanolas.
- Programa del XVI Simposio Internacional CEHME de
Ceuta, 2023.
- Un Acercamiento a la Revista
de la Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico.
- Tres Caminos Para la Masoneria, publicado en la Revista
- The Word newspaper Mentor column on Jan. 6th 2021 US Capitol
- Lumen: 2014: Sobre la Percepcion Espanola de Masonerias
- Lumen: 2015: Propuesta para un Estudio Demográfico Piloto en
- Lumen: 2016: Desarrollo de las Masonerías Autóctonas de las Antillas
- Estudio Demografico de la Gran Logia de Cuba entre
1945 y 2008.
- PPT Liverpool Lodge Presentation: Cuban & Puerto Rican
- PPT Pres. ALR: Assessemt of Authoctonous Freemasonry in
Spanish Caribbean
- PPT Pres. ALR: Differences between York & Scottish Rituals in
Symbolic Lodges.
- The Word CNY masonic newspaper columns:
Mentoring Corner.
- Selected references (in Spanish) of articles on Cuban
- Stats/O.R. Research Publications (1970-80) in
Cuban Journals
- Algunas Aplicaciones de la Estadistica en
Ingeneria Civil
- Emplazamiento Optimo de Puentes via Programacion
- Clasificacion de Fuentes de Informacion via
Analisis Discriminante
- Web Publications,
Presentations and Research Activities Overview/Summary:
- Romeu’s Statistics
MS-level Web tutorials on industrial statistics
- Research Presentations and
Papers on the Environment and Ecology
- Selected Publications dealing with Scholarly
- Selected Publications dealing with Coronavarus
- Selected Publications dealing with Scholarly
- Selected Publications dealing with Scholarly Cuban
- Selection of Newspaper article xeroxes in
English and in
- Books published in the Internet:
- Course Work Material for
Intro to Probab/Stats in several Departments:
- Course Work Material for
MFE634: Productivity & Quality Engineering
- Course Work Material for
ECS526: Engineering Statistics
- Course Work Material for
ISE429/MGS411/MGS511: Operations Research:
- Course Work Material for
DOE/EPN: Design of Experiments:
- Course Work and Material for
Reliability Modeling and Analysis
- Proposed Syllabus and Course
Work Information
- Final Project on the Analysis of
- MIL HDBK 781:
Reliability Demonstration HDBK
- Course Work Material for
Various Simulation Courses Taught:
- Syllabus for an
Undergraduate Simulation Course Information
- Syllabus for a
Graduate Simulation Course Information
- Syllabus for an
intensive one-week Simulation Course Information
- Syllabus for a
Mid-Length Simulation Seminar Information
- International Education Activities and Activities <\a>
Juarez-Lincoln-Marti International Education
- Lista de Distinguidos Educadores
- The Juarez Lincoln Marti Int'l Education
- Programas de Solidaridad y Entrenamiento del Proyecto
- Selected Papers on Statistics and International Education
- Senior Specialist,
Fulbright Speakers Roster Program (2001-2006)
- Senior Fulbright Speaker Specialist past work
- PPT Presentation on our Fulbright Specialist,
Speaker Experiences
- Diploma: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Lima, Peru.
- Honorary Member, Mathematics Society,
Cusco, Peru
- Fulbright-Garcia Robles Senior
Scholar; COMEXUS.
- Fulbright Senior
Scholar (1994) at ITAM, Mexico City.
- Director for Project
for SUNY-Mexico Faculty Exchange.
- Proposal
Reader/Panelist: FIPSE and NSEP Programs
- Educational
Consultant, Fundayacucho Program (Venezuela).
- Invited Lecturer:
Spain, Mexico, Venezuela.
- Speaker Specialist
(2000, Mexico): US Dpt. of State (Grant)
- Included in the Fulbright
Speaker Specialist Roster (2002)
- Speaker Specialist to
Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico (2003).
- Speaker Specialist to
Universidad Catolica, Dominican Rep. (2004).
- Ponente, Simposio Educacion Estadistica. U.
Veracruzana, Mexico (2005).
- Speaker Specialist to Escuela Politecnica
Nacional, Quito (2006).
- Ponente, Simposio Internacional de Bioestadistica.
Veracruz, Mexico (2009).
- Guest Editor; Revista de Estadistica. Univ. Nac. de
Colombia, Bogota (2011).
- Member, Fulbright Specialist Speakers Roster.
- Past/Present Professional
- American Society for Quality (ASQ):
Senior Member; Director, Region II (PA & NY)
- Past Chair, ASQ Syracuse
Section, North East Quality
Council, and CNY Quality
- Chartered Statistician
Fellow; Royal Statistical Society.
- Member; American
Statistical Association (ASA)
- Member; Inter American Statistical
Institute (IASI)
- National
Association of Cuban American Educators; Past Board Member
- Association for the Study
of the Cuban Economy; Past Board Member
- Institute for
Operations Research/Management Science; Full Member
- Operations Research Society
of America (ORSA); Full Member
- Member; International
Assoc. for Statistical Education; Past Member
- National Association of Hispanic
Journalists (NAHJ); Past Member
- Asociacion Mexicana de Estadistica
(AME); Past Member
- Sigma Xi Research Society;
Past Member
- Soc. Gallega para Promocion de
Estadistica e I.O. (SGAPEIO); Past Member
- Links para Login en
and Syracuse