Is a public service of the Juarez-Lincoln-Marti (JLM) International Education Project. The QR&CII develops and publishes practical tutorials to help increase the study and understanding of applied and industrial statistics, by professionals and students. Read a summary of this page Technical Contents.
If you or others you know are interested in establishing contacts with our specialists for the purpose of consulting or training, contact us and we will help establish them. Our contact email addresses are at the bottom of this Web Page.
The specific reasons for the creation of the QR&CII Educational Project and Web Page are explained in detail in the RIAC Journal article ON THE STATISTICS EDUCATION OF AMERICAN ENGINEERS.
Is a public service of the Juarez Lincoln Marti Intl' Ed. Project. It contains additional Spanish Language tutorials and can be accessed through its Technical Page: ICC&MC.
The tecnical content of the QR&CII Web Page is divided into two groups. First, those that we call Tutorials, consisting in publications from recognized authors (that have been faculty and researchers for many years, with peer-reviewed work published in respected journals). The articles. reports, and examples of solved problems are verified.
The second type, that we call Webinars, consist of papers presented in professional conferences, jointly with their respective Powerpoint presentations.
Two of the main problems with Web Tutorials are (1) the level of trust that readers have in such materials and (2) the lack of proper sequencing of such materials, so that readers can acquire the appropriate background to understand the topics developed.
The Quality, Reliability and Continous Improvement Page helps professionals deal with such constraints.
The classification and sequencing of our tutorials are resolved in the Industrial Statistics weekly readings of Dr. Romeu's Master Level industrial engineering course at Syracuse University. The requirements for understanding these readings include an introductory and calculus-based statistics course. The ECS526 Course description can be found in the syllabus.
A detailed discussion of the Group-based implementation of the ECS526 course was presented to the ASA 2004 Annual Conference. The paper was also published in the Journal of Educational Technology Systems (JETS). Its corresponding Powerpoint. is also available.
The basis of ECS526 is the implementation of practical Projects by Student Study Groups, that follow a specific philosophy. Students use ARENA and GPSS simulation languages. We provide next several examples of such work.
First, we give the descripcion of a GPSS final project on the modeling of a job shop. Then, se give two examples of final reports: Conveyor, and Repair shop. Then we give two examples of PPT Presentations: Shop-1 and Shop-2.
Then, we present descriptiones of two ARENA final projects: (1) the operation of an Airport Security System, and (2) the operation of a small barber Shop. We present two reports of two Student Groups: an executive summary, and a final report. Finally, we present a statistical analysis of the de data generated for the security operation of the airport.
Another on-line education problem that the QR$&CII tries to alleviate, deals with the reading of Web Tutorials. There are many self-proclaimed tutorials, on the Web. However, there is a need to have a reliable and comprehensive source of knowledge, and a theoretical framework to refer to. The QR&CII has reviewed, and strongly recommends, the following web sites:
NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) has an On-Line Applied Statistics Handbook
The Defense Systems Information and Analysis Center (DSIAC) also has an On-Line Website with many of Dr. Romeu's Applied Statistics Tutorials and workshops.
A "statistics textbook" on line, developed by Rice University and other universities, a Research Project sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is available in: ONLINESTATBOOK
Prof. Jorge Luis Romeu has written several articles about statistics education, as well as a textbook on Introduction to Applied Statistics. The book, written in English for material science engineers. They are available in the Internet.
Said statistics textbook contains the following materials: Ch-1: Introduccion; Ch-2: Data Quality; Ch-3: Variables Aleatorias y Distribuciones; Ch-4: Estimaciones y Pruebas de Hipotesis; Ch-5: Analisis Multivariado; Ch-6: Casos de Estudio en ANOVA; Ch-7: Casos de Estudio en Regresion; Ch-8: Conclusiones y Extensiones.
A short, three-day-long professional course, that includes twelve Power Point presentations was developed and taught by Prof. Romeu at many American organizations. You can view an example presentation. If interested in the course, contact Prof. Romeu directly.
ASA's AMSTAT News is published and is accessible in their Web Site
Wiley's Teaching Statistics website has an entire collection of education articles.
RSS Projects for Statistics Education can be found in Publications.
Community for statistics teachers on the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. NCETM
The ASQ Reliability and Risk division is available in its Home Page as well as their past Webinars.
Two other statistics-oriented home pages of stats organizations are the Royal Statistical Society and the Inter-American Statistical Institute
The United Kingdom's Industrial Mathematics Knowledge Transfer Network, IMKTN publishes Applied Math information.
The Technological Institute for Industrial Math (Instituto Tecnologico de Matematica Industrial) ITMATI is a Spanish organization that also promotes industrial applications of statistics and operations research.
Information about the exam on risk analysis can be obtained from the Society of Actuaries.
The SSRN Network enables scholars to share and distribute their research worldwide, at the lowest cost possible for authors and readers. SSRN was formally incorporated in October, 1994. However, it originated in 1992 as FEN (Financial Economics Network) through Wayne Marr, long before their papers worked their way through the multi-year journal refereeing and publication process.
Several ASQ Member Leaders have created a web page with Quality and Reliability resources named ACCENDO RELIABILITY.
The Juarez Lincoln Marti Project has helped organize a yearly conference on Quality for a group of ASQ Central New York Sections. Latin American students attend this Conference with scholarships All the information is available in the Internet.
An interesting evaluation of world-wide Universities, can be found in the Shanghai Rankings.
Another world-wide University evaluation is available in the NSF-NCES Rankings.
Some interesting analyses about the state of International Education about Students, on Background and ArmsRace, can be found in The Economist & BBC.
An interesting Report on the state of world-wide Research can be found in The Economist.
A Report on Higher Education, Adapting to Coronavarus, can be found in The Economist.
A Report on Off-shoring/Outsourcing de empresas al Lejano Oriente, can be found in The Economist.
A Report on the dificulties of re-shoring companies that were Off-Shored, can be found in The Economist.
QR&CII Tutorial Series, Volume 1, No. 1: Determining the Experimental Sample Size
QR&CII Tutorial Series, Volume 1, No. 2: Infant Mortality in Reliability Studies for the Weibull.
QR&CII Tutorial Series, Volume 1, No. 3: Experiencias Practicas en la Educacion Estadistica.
Report on the use of Quality Engineering to Implement and Improve Systems that Mitigate the Impact of Hurricanes.
Report on the use of Quality Engineering Tools in the Study and Assessment of Systems Development for the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Basic Information for the Study, using Quality Engineering, of the outbreak of Coronavirus.
An illustrative Numerical Example and its associated Video.
A Formal Proposal, to contribute to the study of the Covid-19 Pandemia.
Johns Hopkins University global map about the world-wide expansion of Coronavarus.
Information about the spread of Coronavirus infection in the State of New York.
Student PPTs, applying Quality Engineering to combat the spread of Coronavirus: COPQ, and Assessment, and FTAs.
Other Epidemiology Experiences: Applying Quality Engineering to Ebola and Zika.
Reader Hits from LinkedIn and Index of my Covid-19 papers in ResearchGate
My Covid-19 paper presentation to the 2021 ENBIS Annual Conference: Outline and Powerpoint.
A Summary of our statistical modeling work to study and combat the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Quality Engineering Tools in the Study and Assessment of Systems for the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Monitoring the Infection Levels of Covid-19 virus using Quality Control SPCs.
Identification of Factors impacting the Spread of Covid-19 using Design of Experiments DOEs.
Identification of treataments that reduce Covid-19 via implementing Fractional Factorials.
Design and performance evaluation of ICU units, using Reliability and a summary of FTAs y FMEAs.
Study of Covid-19 ICUs Patient Ventilator data, using Survival Analysis.
Some Statistical Methods that Accelerate Covid-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials, using Sequential Analysis.
Study to Establish the Covid-19 Vaccine Length of Effectiveness, using Survival Analysis.
Analysis of ICU personnel and equipment requirements for Covid-19 upsurge, using the Negative Binomial.
Identification of Key Factors in Covid-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials, using Logistic Regression.
Principal Components and Discriminant Analysis of Covid-19 data: Part I.
More on Principal Components and Discriminant Analysis of Covid-19 data Part II.
Principal Components and Discriminant Analysis of Covid-19 data: Powerpoint.
A study of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, using a Markof Chain model.
A Two-Absorbing-States Markov Chain to study the problem of Covid-19 Herd Inmunization.
A Markov Chain model to study the problem of Re-opening Colleges under Covid-19.
GSS/ASA Workshop (U-Tube) about Covid-19. The last presentation is on Markov Chains.
A Model to Assess the Covid-19 Vacine Herd Inmunization Patterns, using Markov Chains.
Fallouts of Off-shoring (outsourcing) and Tax payers contributions, and its ramifications to Coronavarus.
Digresion on the Interaction between Race, Ethnia, Class and Coronavarus.
Digresion about aspects of Clinical Trials for the new Vaccine against Covid-19.
Digression about the Rapid Rollout of a New Vaccine to Protect Against Covid-19.
Prof. Enrique Castillo, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain, has developed "A simple model to reproduce the Coronavirus Pandemic". (In Spanish)
Prof. Piedad Urdinola, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Bogotá, has written the paper "Predicting Hospital Demand Under Covid-19." (In Spanish).
Webinar Quality Engineering Improving Systems that Mitigate Impact of Hurricanes. its Powerpoint and TACNY talk Zoom Presentation.
Webinar on the Uses, Mis-Uses and Abuses behind the Implementation of Polls and Surveys and its PowerPoint
Webinar on the Application of Markov Chains models to the study of Covid-19 and its PowerPoint
Webinar on the Summary of a Year of Statistical Research on Covid-19: paper and Powerpoint, given at the 2021 ENBIS Annual Conference.
ASQ Reliability Division Webinar (Spanish; February 2025) about "Systems Modeling Using Markoff Chains", its Announcement and PowerPoint.
ASQ Reliability Division Webinar (English; June 2024) about "Systems Modeling Using Markoff Chains", its Announcement and PowerPoint.
Webinar, given through Rel. Div/ASQ on Feb. 2017, on "Determination of the Sample Size for Testing or Experimentation" with its Paper and its corresponding PowerPoint
ASQ Reliability Division Webinar: Understanding, via Markov Chains, the Uses of Availability and its PowerPoint. ASQ Reliability Division Members can access it through their Web Page.
Webinar on Organizing an Institute to Support the Education of Practicing Engineers its corresponding PowerPoint, given to NIST/DC.
Webinar on an application of Design of Experiment implemented to the study of an Aquatic Ecosystem with its corresponding Powerpoint.
Webinar on the application of Statistics and Operations Research Techniques in Data Mining with its corresponding Powerpoint.
Webinar on the Validation of Multivariate Monte Carlo Simulation Studies: Conference Paper with its corresponding Powerpoint.
Webinar on the Monte Carlo Investigation of the Performance of Some Clutter Identification Methods with its corresponding Powerpoint.
Webinar on the Uses of Discrete Event Simulation in Statistical Education with its corresponding Powerpoint.
Webinar about Problems in Teaching Engineering Statistics to Practicing Engineers with its illustrative Powerpoint.
Webinar about the Practical Problems when Developing Software Reliability Models with its Powerpoint.
Webinar on the Statistical Discussion of a Demographic Study of Cuban Freemasons with its Powerpoint.
Webinars developped during Romeu's Fulbright Roster Assignments:
(1) on Methods for Course Administration ; (2) on Tech Methods in International Education and, (3) on Technology Integration into Education
Web Tutorial on a New Multivariate Normality Goodness of Fit Test with Graphical Applications
Web Tutorial about a Small Sample Empirical Critical Values for a Multivariate Normality GOF Test.
Web Tutorial on a Simulation Approach for the Analysis and Forecast of Software Productivity
Web Tutorial about Problems in Developing Combined Hardware/Software Reliability Models
Web Tutorial on the Determination of appropriate Experimental and Hypothesis Tests Sample Size
Web Tutorial on A Small Sample Monte Carlo Study of Four Systems Reliability Bounds
Web Tutorial on Measurement Problems in the Analysis of Software Productivity and statistical Consequences
Web Tutorial on Using Programmer's Experience as a Classification Variable in the Analysis of Software Data
Web Tutorial about Measuring Cost Avoidance with Messy Reliability Data, using NonParametrics
Web Tutorial about Statistical Assessment of an Experiment To Compare Traditional vs. Laboratory Approaches in Teaching Computer Programming.
Web tutorial on Some Problems and Solutions regarding the Education of Practicing Engineers
Web Tutorial describing a Survey on Ways Engineers Learn Statistics After Leaving College
Over Two Dozen web tutorials, on reliability and industrial statistics problems, with detailed model descriptions and step-by-step numerical examples, are developed by Prof. Jorge Romeu.
Prof. Ron Kenett (, Past President of ENBIS and Editor of QTQM Journal, has provided the following technical papers: Paper Texts
The corresponding paper presentations can be found in their Powerpoints
These papers, and other articles on applied statistics, can also be obtained through the Social Science Research Network SSRN
With detailed model descriptions and step-by-step numerical examples, developed by Prof. Jorge Luis Romeu during his tenure as Senior Engineer at the Reliability (RAC), the Software Engineering "(DACS), and the Advanced Materials (AMPTIAC) Analysis Centers, can be found under the Defense Systems Info Analysis Center (DSIAC) that includes a collection of RAC and AMTIAC technical Journals.
AMPTIAC "MaterialEase" Tutorial. IITRI/2000: Data Quality and Pedigree.
Statistics I: Random Variables and Distributions: AMPTIAC
RAC START. Volume 9, Number 6: Empirical Assessment of Normal and Lognormal Distribution Assumptions.
RAC START: Volume 8, Number 2: Statistical Assumptions of an Exponential Distribution.
RAC START. Volume 10, Number 3: Empirical Assessment of the Weibull Distribution.
RAC START. Volume 9, Number 5: Graphical Comparison of Two Populations.
Statistics II: On Estimation and Testing.
RAC START: Volume 9, Number 4: About Statistical Confidence.
RAC START. Volume 10, Number 4: Chi-Square: a Large-Sample Goodness of Fit Test: ChiSq GOF.
RAC START. Volume 10, Number 5: Anderson-Darling: A GoF Test for Small Samples Assumptions: A-D GOF.
RAC START. Volume 10, Number 6: Kolmogorov-Smirnov: a GoF Test for Small Sample Assumptions: K-S GoF.
RAC START. Volume 11, Number 4: Quality Control Charts: QC/SPC.
RAC START. Volume 12, Number 1: OC Function and Acceptance Sampling Plans: OC Plans.
Statistics III: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA.
RIAC RelTique. Volume 1, No. 1: On Regression Analysis.
RAC START. Volume 11, Number 2: Combining Data.
MINITAB and Pizza: A Workshop Experiment.
Statistical Assessment of an Experiment To Compare Traditional vs. Laboratory Teaching Computer Programming.
Design and Evaluation of Aquatic Ecosystems via Discrete Event Simulation.
QSI/Fractional Factorial Designs FF Tutorial.
RAC START. Volume 10, Number 7: Reliability Estimations for Exponential Life.
RAC START: Volume 8, Number 2: About Censored Data in Reliabilidy.
QR&CII Tutorial Series, Volume 1, Number 2: Infant Mortality in Reliability Studies for the Weibull.
QSI Report: About Confidence Bounds for MTTF in Time Truncated life tests.
Pilot Study of the Length of Time (in years) to Demit from Lodge, Using Survival Analysis.
Practical Examples of FMEA, FTA and Failure Data Analysis in Reliability Applications.
RAC START. Volume 10, Number 8: Use of Bayesian Techniques for B-Reliability.
RAC START. Volume 11, Number 5: Understanding Series/Parallel S/P Systems.
RAC START. Volume 11, Number 6: Understanding , via Markov Chains, Systems Availability
Journal of Reliability Analysis Center. Vol. 8, Number 1: A Discussion on Software Reliability SW-R Models.
An Example of Reliability Data Analysis from a Student Group Final Project.
The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) consolidated most IACS. It has an Internet Library with all these tutorial materials.
Operations Research and Statistics Techniques: a key to Quantitative Data Mining Powerpoint and Paper
QR&CII Institute Tutorial. Volume 1, No. 1: Determining the Experimental Sample Size Paper
RAC START. Volume 12, Number 2: Understanding Binomial Sequential Bin/Seq Testing
RIAC RELTIQUE/Start Sheet: Understanding Exponential Sequential Tests.
RIAC RELTIQUE/Start Sheet: Understanding Logistics.
Reliability Statistics I (pp 9--15): Random Variables and RV Distributions
Reliability Statistics II (pp 4--9): On Estimation and Testing
Reliability Statistics III: On Statistical Modeling of Reliability R-Data
AMPTIAC Textbook for Materials Engineers: A Practical Guide to Statistical Analysis of Data Material Property.
Journal of Systems Reliability Center (SRC), 3rd Qtr. 2005 (pp. 11-21): Determining the Experimental Sample Size.
ASQ Statistics Division Newsletter Vol. 24, No. 1: Fall 2005 (pp. 4--10). About Systems Availability.
ASA/SPES Newsletter. Summer of 2010: Understanding Logistics in Systems Analysis
Survival Analysis Methods in the Study of Lodge Members Time to Demit
Journal of IASI/Inter-American Statistical Institute. 2017: Statistics in Support of Masonic Historical Studies.
Journal of IASI Inter-American Statistical Institute). 2012: Demographic Study of Cuban Freemasons.
Handbook on Human Rights, ASA 2010 (Ch. 5): Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis in Human Rights
The MFE634 Quality Engineering student group work shown below, was done under my supervision.
MFE634 Syllabus (Quality Engineering) a Graduate Course offered yearly at Syracuse University.
Selected List of MFE634 Student Group Final Project topics.
Intent of the Final Project Topics in MFE634 Quality Engineering Student Groups.
NEQC 2018 Conference presentation PPT describing MFE634 Quality Engineering Final Projects.
Software "Quality Companion" used to implement Quality Projects: Description y Tutorial.
PPT of a student project with key elements of Quality Audits.
PPT of a student project with key elements of the Cost of Poor Quality
PPT of a student project with key elements of the COPQ and of FMEAs to International Relief.
PPT of a student project with key elements of Process Capability applied to improving Veterans Admininstration.
PPT of a student project with key elements of the analysis of an ASQ Chapter using the methods of Six Sigma.
PPT of a student project with key elements of the main components of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and QFD Matrices to Design.
PPT of a student project with the main components of Six Sigma and QFD Matrices, applied to the Design of an Industrial Process.
PPT of a student project presenting the Analysis and Evaluation of the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) in the study of Medicare.
Student Final Proyect applying Quality Gage R&R methods to help fight the spread of Ebola epidemic.
Student Final Proyect applying Quality methods to help fight the spread of the epidemic of Zika.
Student Final Proyect applying Quality Engineering to improve the process of brewing Beer.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to the improvement of a School District.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to prevent and mitigate hurricanes Sandy and New Orleans Disasters.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to prevent and mitigate Power Outage tech and human problems in Puerto Rico.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to prevent technical and human problems in subway Systems.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to prevent technical and human problems in Amtrak railway Systems.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to prevent technical and human problems in River/Canal Systems.
PPT of Student Final Project applying Quality Engineering to prevent technical and human problems in natural disasters in Florida.
PPT of Student Final Project using Quality tools, to mitigate devastations of Hurricanes in Puerto Rico.
PPT of Student Final Project using Quality tools to mitigate the devastations of Hurricane Harvey.
PPT of Final Project using Quality Engineering to identify the "Six Steps in the Quality" Road Map.
PPT of Final Project using Quality Engineering to help mitigate the effects of floods and surges from Hurricanes in the Carolinas.
PPT of Final Project to prevent and mitigate the effects of Bush Fires using COPQ, and Six Sigma, and QFD quality matrices.
PPT of Final Project using Quality Engineering to help prevent and mitigate the effects of terrorism and accidents in Interstate Highways.
PPT using Quality methods to prevent and mitigate the effects of terrorism and accidents in Airports.
PPT of a Final Project using Quality Engineering FTA/FMEA and Reliability methods to facilitate Reshoring.
PPT of a Final Project using Quality Engineering methods to improve medical services of St. Jude hospital.
PPT of a Final Project using Quality Engineering methods to improve Human Conditions in the Prisons.
PPT of a Final Project using Design of Experiment methods to prevent violations in Environmental laws.
PPT of a Final Project using Cost of Poor Quality and QFD Design Matrix to analyze the causes of a Chilean Mining Accident.
PPT of a Final Project using Cost of Poor Quality to prevent and mitigate the effects of Droughts.
PPT of a Final Project using Assessment and Evaluation to mitigate the effects of Snow Storms.
PPT of Final Project using quality methods to prevent and mitigate the effects of Mud Slides.
PPT of a Project using quality to mitigate the effects of Bush Fires, and its Final Report.
PPT of a Final Project using quality to analyze and mitigate the effects of Volcanic Eruptions.
PPT of a Final Project using quality methods to analyze international Supply Chains and Final Report.
PPT of a Final Project using quality methods to analyze and improve international Covid Vaccine Distribution. and Final Report.
PPT of a Final Project using quality engineering to Design a system for moving civilians out of Ukranian War Zones.
PPT of a Final Project using quality engineering to Design a system for moving grains from Ukraine into the Third World.
PPT of a Final Project that uses quality engineering to Provide Medical Assistance to civilian population of a completely closed city under siege.
PPT of a Final Project that uses quality engineering to Provide Food and Shelter to civilian population of a completely closed city under siege.
PPT of a Final Project that uses quality engineering to prevent and mitigate the effects of Climate Change.
Project on efficiently Re-opening the Economy: Introductory Presentation; Final Presentation; Final Report.
Project on efficiently Shutting Down the Economy: Introductory Presentation; Final Presentation; Final Report.
Project on efficiently Rolling Out the Vaccines: Introductory Presentation; Final Presentation; Final Report.
Project on efficiently Reopening Schools: Introductory Presentation; Final Presentation; Final Report.
Previous Epidemiology Experiences Applying Quality Engineering Techniques:
Project for the Prevention and Erradication of EBOLA: Presentation and Final Report.
Project for the Prevention and Erradication of ZIKA: Presentation and Final Report.
Project to Analyze a Possible Extension of MEDICARE TO ALL: Presentation and Final Report.
Powerpoint discussing several key elements of Quality Engineering.
On the application of Six Sigma methodoloy to the study of a Cuban Transition to Pluralism.
On Quality Engineering Methodology in the Study of Hurricane Mitigation and its Powerpoint.
TACNY Sweet Series talk on the paper QE in Design of Systems that Mitigate Hurricanes: Zoom Presentation.
On Quality Engineering Tools in the Study of Systems for Mitigating the Covid-19 Pandemic.
On Quality Engineering Tools for Mitigating Ukrainian War Fallout on Civilians.
On Quality Engineering Tools for Mitigating Effects of Climate Change and Gaza War Fallout on Civilians.
Operations Research and Statistics Techniques: a key to Quantitative Optimization.
Detailed Tutorial solving various simple problems in Linear Programming.
"Primal-Dual" Algorithm for the resolution of the Primal-Dual Problem.
Sensitivity Analysis/What If/Post-Optimality aplicaciones ofLP to Covid-19 and Offshoring.
Student PPT illustrating the optimization process using Sensitivity Analysis.
Student PPT illustrating the optimization process using Transportation Models.
Using "Network Flows" to resolve practical problems in Military Intelligence.
Student PPT illustrating the optimization process using Maximum Flows.
Student PPT illustrating the optimization process using Shortest Path.
Aplications of "Goal Programming" to the optimization of multiple and Industrial objectives.
Student PPT illustrating the optimization process using Goal Programming.
Tutorial using the "Branch and Bound" algorithm for Integer Programming.
Student PPT illustrating the optimization process using Integer Programming.
Aplicactions of Linear Programming in the optimization of a Party Political Plataform.
QR&CII Project Director Jorge Luis Romeu, is an International Educator and Researcher. He is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics and Operations Research (he was a Syracuse University Research Professor: 2003 to 2019) with the Department of Mech. & Aerosp. Eng. (MAE), Syracuse University. For fourteen years Romeu was an Associate Professor with the Department of Mathematics SUNY Cortland, retiring Emeritus in 1998. Romeu was, for twelve years, a Senior Engineer with IIT Research Institute, working for the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC). Romeu received several Rome Laboratory research assignments in Reliability and Design of Experiments. He is currently partially retired.
Romeu is a Senior Member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), with certifications in reliability and quality, a member of the American Statistical Association, and a Chartered statistician Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. He is an ASQ Past Regional Director for NY & PA and Past Chair of the North East Quality Councils (NEQC;
As an International Educator, Romeu created and directs the Juarez-Lincoln-Marti International Education Project which sponsors this QR&CII Institute as another service project. Romeu is a Member of an Institution dedicated to the erradication of Ignorance and of Vice. As such, he applies his efforts to improving Education.
Romeu was a Senior Fulbright in Mexico (ITAM) in 1994. He is currently a member of the Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialist Roster. As such, Romeu has completed assignments in Mexico, Dominican Republic and Ecuador, and was scheduled to conduct an assignment in Colombia, in May and June of 2020, cancelled due to the Covid Pandemic.
A selection of Romeu's most read Internet papers, according to their HITS in ResearchGate.
Any institution interested in having Dr. Romeu working with them, as a Fulbrighter (cost free), from two up to six weeks, as a Speaker Specialist, can contact the Fulbright Roster. or the US Cultural Attache, at their local United States Embassy.
If you want to contact us with a message or a comment
Please send us an: email .
Or write us to: Dept. MAE; 263 Link Hall, Syracuse University; Syracuse NY 13224; USA.
A Farewell Poem (in Spanish).
Thank-you for your visit!
Updated: February of 2025.